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LTC4151 driver:

PWMSS documentation:

The clearest instructions I've found so far for writing drivers: LDD3 and example code found at

Now to just mash this all together into one big kernel module.

Step 1: Get module code to build, load, unload. Done.

Step 2: Plan.

Try to implement the classic "perturb and observe" algorithm. I have a better idea in mind, but lets get something simple working first.
The controller will measure Pin, tweak a setting, measure delta. Maybe repeat a few times to measure noise and/or account for quantization error.

Step 3: Smoosh chunks of example code together.

Read input side V and I (preferably simultaneously) and calculate P. Do this in kernel to reduce context switching. Done. Edited ltc4151.c to export that in /dev/.

Now editing the ehrpwm module to set up the correct waveform.

Oh shit, the beaglebone devs have baked tiehrpwh into the kernel!

I guess we're rebuilding the whole thing from source now.

the actual kernel source: