Features - miyakogi/wdom GitHub Wiki
WDOM is based on DOM level 4 and HTML living standard.
Note: Event propagation control has not been implemented yet.
Based on DOM Standard
- Interface Event
- readonly attribute type
- readonly attribute target
- readonly attribute currentTarget
- readonly attribute eventPhase
- method stopPropagation
- method stopImmediatePropagation
- readonly attribute bubles
- readonly attribute cancelable
- method preventDeatult
- readonly attribute defaultPrevented
- readonly attribute isTrusted
- readonly attribute timeStamp
- method initEvent
- Interface CustomEvent
- inherits Event
- readonly attribute detail
- method initCustomEvent
- Interface EventTarget
- method addEventTarget
- method removeEventTarget
- method dispatchEvent
- Interface EventListener
- method handleEvent
Note: Queries using CSS selectors have not been implemented yet.
Note: MutationObserver is not implemented yet. Please use MutationEvent
s instead.
Note: NameSpace will not be supported in plan
Based on DOM Standard, including extensions defined in DOM Parsing and Serialization and HTML Standard
Node tree
Mixin NonElementParentNode
Mixin DocumentOrShadowRoot
Mixin ParentNode
- readonly attribute children
- readonly attribute firstElementChild
- readonly attribute lastElementChild
- readonly attribute childElementCount
- method prepend
- method append
- method query
- method queryAll
- method querySelector
- method querySelectorAll
Mixin NonDocumentTypeChildNode
- readonly attribute previousElementSibling
- readonly attribute nextElementSibling
Mixin ChildNode
- method before
- method after
- method replaceWith
- method remove
Mixin: Slotable
Collections: Elements
Old-style collections
- Interface NodeList
- method item
- readonly attribute leghth
- iterable (
) -
) -
operation (__contains__
- Interface HTMLCollection
- method item
- readonly attribute leghth
) - method namedItem
) - iterable (
) [not standard] -
operation (__contains__
) [not standard?]
- Interface NodeList
Mutation observers
Interface MutationObserver
Interface MutationRecord
Interface Node
- readonly attribute nodeType
- readonly attribute nodeName
- readonly attribute baseURI
- readonly attribute ownerDocument
- readonly attribute rootNode
- readonly attribute parentNode
- readonly attribute parentElement
- method hasChildNodes
- readonly attribute childNodes
- readonly attribute firstChild
- readonly attribute lastChild
- readonly attribute previousSibling
- readonly attribute nextSibling
- attribute nodeValue
- attribute textContent
- method normalize
- method cloneNode
- method isEqualNode
- method isSameNode
- method compareDocumentPosition
- method contains
- method lookupPrefix
- method lookupNamespaceURI
- method isDefaultNamespace
- method insertBefore
- method appendChild
- method replaceChild
- method removeChild
- method index [not standard]
- method empty [not standard]
Interface Document
- readonly attribute URL
- readonly attribute documentURI
- readonly attribute origin
- readonly attribute compatMode
- readonly attribute characterSet
- readonly attribute charset
- readonly attribute inputEncoding
- readonly attribute contentType
- readonly attribute doctype
- method getElementsByTagName
- method getElementsByTagNameNS
- method getElementsByClassName
- method createElement
- method createElementNS
- method createDocumentFragment
- method createTextNode
- method createComment
- method createProcessingInstruction
- method importNode
- method createAttribute
- method createAttributeNS
- method createEvent
- method createRange
- method createNodeIterator
- method createTreeWalker
- Interface DOMImplementation
- HTML extention
- readonly attribute location
- attribute domain
- readonly attribute domain
- attribute cookie
- readonly attribute lastModified
- readonly attribute readyState
- attribute title
- attribute dir
- attribute body
- readonly attribute head
- readonly attribute images
- readonly attribute embeds
- readonly attribute links
- readonly attribute forms
- readonly attribute scripts
- method getElementsByName
- readonly attribute currentScript
- method close
- method write
- method writeln
- readonly attribute defaultView
- readonly attribute activeElement
- method hasFocus
- attribute designMode
- method execCommand
- method queryCommandEnabled
- method queryCommandIndeterm
- method queryCommandState
- method queryCommandValue
Interface DocumentType
Interface DocumentFragment
- inherit Node
Interface ShadowRoot
Interface Element
inherit Node
readonly attribute namespaceURI
readonly attribute prefix
readonly attribute localName
readonly attribute tagName
attribute id
attribute className
readonly attribute classList
attribute slot
readonly attribute attributes
method getAttributeNames
method getAttribute
method getAttributeNS
method setAttribute
method setAttributeNS
method removeAttribute
method removeAttributeNS
method hasAttribute
method hasAttributeNS
method getAttributeNode
method getAttributeNodeNS
method setAttributeNode
method setAttributeNodeNS
method removeAttributeNode
Interface NamedNodeMap
- readonly attribute length
- method item
- method getNamedItem
- method getNamedItemNS
- method setNamedItem
- method setNamedItemNS
- method removeNamedItem
- method removeNamedItemNS
- iterate (
) -
Interface Attr
- readonly attribute length
- readonly attribute prefix
- readonly attribute localName
- readonly attribute name
- readonly attribute nodeName
- readonly attribute value
- readonly attribute nodeValue
- readonly attribute textContent
- readonly attribute ownerElement
HTML extention
attribute title
attribute lang
attribute translate
attribute dir
readonly attribute dataset
attribute hidden
method click
attribute tagIndex
method focus
method blur
attribute accessKey
readonly attribute accessKeyLabel
attribute draggable
attribute dropzone
attribute contextMenu
attribute spellcheck
method forceSleppCheck
interface HTMLInputElement
DOM Parsing extention
- attribute innerHTML
- attribute outerHTML
- method insertAdjacentHTML
Interface CharacterData
- inherit Node ChildNode
- attribute data
- readonly attribute length
- method substringData
- method appendData
- method insertData
- method deleteData
- method replaceData
Interface Text
- inherit CharacterData
- method splitText
- readonly attribute wholeText
Interface RawHTML [not standard]
- inherit CharacterData
Interface ProcessingInstruction
Interface Comment
- inherit CharacterData
- Interface Range
- Interface NodeIterator
- Interface TreeWalker
- Interface NodeFilter
- Interface DOMTokenList
- readonly attribute length
- method item
- method contains
- method add
- method remove
- method toggle
- method replace
- method supports
- method toString
for ... in ...
operation (__iter__
- interface StyleSheet
- interface CSSStyleSheet
- interface StyleSheetList
- interface LinkStyle
- interface CSSRuleList
- interface CSSRule
- interface CSSStyleRule
- interface CSSImportRule
- interface CSSGroupingRule
- interface CSSMediaRule
- interface CSSMarginRule
- interface CSSNamespaceRule
- interface CSSStyleDeclaration
- interface ElementSCCInlineStyle
- Templates [in plan]
- HTML Imports [will not support]
- Custom Elements [in plan]
- Shadow DOM [will not support]