Sam Group prototype 2 - miwamiwa/CART315GroupPrototypes GitHub Wiki

Tilting Dog

In this game you travel on a giant doggo's back, collecting stray pieces of pepperoni and avoiding balls of water that fall across the surface. Everyone once in a while, the doggo switches positions, making objects fall the other way. The player gains points from gathering the pepperoni and loses them when he is hit by a ball. He can try to use the pepperoni to block off balls, or try to keep the field clear. When the dog switches positions, the camera moves out in order to see the dog moving (there would be an animation there...), otherwise the camera is always below the player and locked facing upwards, in order to emphasize the length of the walking area.

Design questions to be answered by the playtest Does the placement of the camera make sense for the player? Is it a bother not seeing behind them. Do the players develop any tactics around the placement of peperoni pieces? Does the pressure of losing points make the game feel challenging? Is the doggo's switch of position too sudden? does it feel like the player has to be warned in some way?

Questions for the playtesters

  • How do you like way the camera is facing? do you feel like you are missing gameplay behind you?
  • How did you feel about your points? did you keep track?
  • Did you feel challenged by the premise of losing points? If not, what do you think prevented that?
  • Did you feel like you could use the pepperoni pieces to leverage the water balls?
  • How do you feel about the switch of positions? did it come too suddenly? camera motion too much?


  • People didn't have an issue with the camera and didn't feel the need to look back, they were just walking back to look for things if they felt like it. The only suggestion was to make the camera zoom out less far and for less amount of time (but keep it so we notice that it's a dog from afar).
  • Some people kept track of the points but others noticed only after a while (at the same time as they noticed the heavy penalty when touching a soap bubble.)
  • Since the goal of the game was to collect the most pepperonis possible, the score was something people were aware of, and the fact of losing points this harshly was very challenging.
  • People didn't really think of using the pepperonis as tactics to hold some soap bubbles at bay. They were trying to either very slowly and carefully collect the pepperoni and run to avoid the rolling ball or mindlessly collect the pepperonis without caring about the score.
  • The switch of positions is something people enjoyed, it was very unexpected and funny. No one really commented on it moving too much, the only comment was to make the animation faster.
  • There were a lot of bugs with the respawns that made for funny glitch moments but probably needs some fixing.