Melissa Group Prototype 2 - miwamiwa/CART315GroupPrototypes GitHub Wiki

Tilting Dog

You're walking on a giant dog that tilts forwards and backwards every once in a while. This dog likes pizza a lot. It eats aggressively, therefore a bunch of pepperonis keep flying onto its fur. You like pepperonis so you collect them to see how much you can get. This dog is in process of getting washed therefore there's soap bubbles making you slippery and slides you back when it touches you but you also drop a number of pepperonis you've collected. The amalgamation of soap bubbles spawning and the giant tilting dog are the altered version of essences that we kept from both of our individual prototypes.

WASD to move and Space to jump.

Playtest Questions

  • Do players stay motivated playing a scuffed game?
  • Are players entertained by the weirdness of the game?
  • Are there glitches that are detrimental to the game?
  • Is the dog tilting animation well received?
  • Is collecting the pepperonis compelling or too easy/boring?
  • Do the people enjoy the pepperoni HD material?

Playtest Response/Suggestions

  • Very funny. Very weird.
  • Harsh penalty from being touched by the soap (-5 pepperonis), maybe -3 would be better. Every time you collect pepperoni you feel like you're getting robbed because of the penalty by pile of bubbles coming at you.
  • People really feel compelled to collect the pepperonis definitely. (Someone that doesn't like pepperonis might be less inclined.)
  • People unanimously liked the fact that it's endless. Some were not sure about the replayability but it has entertainment value, it's gratifying to collect pepperonis.
  • More features would make it more interesting but they said they could play for hours.
  • Adding particle effects or sound effects. Munching the pepperoni or bubbles washing sound.
  • Having less of a zoom out and make it not pause the score so you have to avoid the balls falling to the other side during the switch as well. (If the respawn worked better).
  • People liked the zoom out so you can see that it's a dog.
  • Would be interesting to interact with the balls.
  • Maybe adding Fleas AI that follows you and also robs you from your pepperonis.
  • Yes, the pepperonis are tasty-looking.
  • One playtester didn't really have the incentive to avoid the bubbles and just tried to collect the pepperoni at first but picked up on having to be careful because of the score later on.
  • Dog rotating by itself on an interval/random is unexpected and more interesting.
  • Bug: Someone just flew off to the sunset because of the respawn in front.
  • Bug: the whole dog and everything disappeared after the switch. (It's like if the dog fell, collider problems?, and we were only seeing an empty sky... after a while we saw the player just falling straight down into the abyss)
  • Bug: someone jumped off during the switch and was stuck because of the respawn.

Group Reflections

I didn't expect people to be this enthusiastic about the game. They seem to really enjoy the weirdness and the goal of it. There's good feedback of being knocked back when a soap bubble hits you but I think it'll be better if there was visual queues, particle effects making it known that you've lost some pepperonis. A lot of bugs need to be solved concerning the respawn even if they made really genuine funny moments. People weren't really bothered by the floating pepperonis (the one that you haven't collected stay floating when the dog rotates... Someone said it was like when they put the cookie jar on the top shelf, no matter how you're tying to jump to reach them you just can't) but it would be nice to fix, probably a rigidbody/collider issue.