Melissa Group Prototype 1 - miwamiwa/CART315GroupPrototypes GitHub Wiki


Keeping the idea of a generative ball-pit, adding falling platforms and an objective to reach. Find the dog in a ball-pit of red balls, finding the dog makes the platform fall down onto the next level while adding to the number of white balls every level. On collision, red balls spawn blue balls. An arrow appears on top of the player on an interval to direct them towards the objective.

WASD to move, SPACE to jump, Click (Left mouse button) to kick nearby objects. Objective: Find the dog.

Playtest Questions

  • Would it be interesting to pursue variants between levels/floors? For example, a different shape or color for a feeling of progression.
  • Are the controls clear? Are the camera movements smooth enough?
  • Are players following the arrow to attain the objective? Or is spamming mechanics more entertaining?
  • Is it too easy to find the dog? Does the arrow make it too easy?

Playtest Response/Suggestions

  • Make the ball increase less subtle. Maybe a slight change in size overtime.
  • People either didn't use the jump or the kick very much. The jump doesn't do much, some spammed the kick a lot.
  • Changing the aesthetics of the balls. Relying colors to functions. Number on the balls that corresponds to the floor level. Environment change going towards the middle of the earth, lava for example.
  • The gameplay conveys well the ball-pit idea.
  • Some like the arrow and enjoys the casual search, but others find it makes it too easy. Maybe changing the timer depending on the level.
  • People feel engaged by the search. They do want to find the dog. At the beginning it's maybe not obvious but the arrow points them into the objective helps.
  • Sound effects would be interesting. Player calls out dog and dog barks to help player find them.
  • Feels like it's dragging out overtime because it's repetitive and people wonder if there is an end point and where it is.

Group Reflections

We were expecting at least one person to be more entertained by the mechanics of kicking instead of reaching the objective and it was the case, but most of the people were more driven by the search. For those driven by the search, the arrow made it too easy for them. We could change the frequency and time interval it appears. The difference between levels is too subtle, so it either extends the game for too long making some wonder where the end of the game is, or people don't notice the change in the amount of balls until many levels later. Many adjustments could be made in terms of progression and level design, but as a prototype I think it was effective.