FAQ (General Topic) - miura1729/mruby GitHub Wiki


How pronounce?

"em-ruby". Not "mu-ruby"

What means "m"?

Some reports available.

  • Embeddable.
  • Minimal implementation
  • Considerable active committers have "M" as their name initials, somehow.
  • Some major committers have Matsumoto as their family name, somehow. (They are not relatives)
  • Matz.

Can I run mruby on my target?


@bovi reported you can run mruby on Arduino Due. http://mruby.sh/201303161453.html

But still we have no reports running on AVR Arduino yet. On the current version of mruby, it is not enough considered to support 16-bits integer architectures. And AVR have small size of RAMs.

You might be interested in some Arduino-pin-compatible boards. Like chipKIT Max32, GR-SAKURA, Enzi, and so on. They boards have high spec 32bits CPUs. You can run mruby on them.

I recommend Arduino Due and/or compatible boards if your wish is using Arduino shields.

ARM bare metals

(To be written)

MIPS bare metals

(To be written)

How to find out release version?

mruby has been not yet released. You can get latest revision of mruby from github https://github.com/mruby/mruby