Eclipse - mittman/timeme GitHub Wiki

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Eclipse integration

UPDATE: Screencasts of these instructions avaible [Screencasts]

Note: These instructions for developers.

Others see the Source tab to learn how to pull from git

1. Install Java SE JDK

   * Web browser->
           * Java Se Development Kit
               * <platform (architecture)>
   * Run Java installer

2. Install Eclipse "Indigo"

   * Web browser->
           * Download links
               * <platform (architecture)>
   * Run Eclipse installer

3. Install egit

   * Eclipse-> 
       * Help-> 
           * Install new software->
               * Work with: _
               * (Add)
                   * Name: _egit_
                   * *`[`OK`]`*
               * (✔) Eclipse Git Team Provider
               * *`[`Next`]`*
               * *`[`Next`]`*
               * (•) I accept the terms
               * *`[`Finish`]`*
               * *`[`Restart Now`]`*

4. Enable egit

   * Eclipse->
       * Window->
           * Customize perspective->
               * Command Groups Availability->
                   * Git (✔)
                   * Git Navigation Actions (✔)
               * Menu Visibility->
                   * Git (✔)
               * Shortcuts->
                   * Git (✔)
               * Toolbar Visibility->
                   * Git (✔)

5. Configure egit

    * Eclipse->
        * File->
            * Import->
                * (⊳) Git->
                    * Projects from Git->
                * *`[`Next`]`*
                * URI->
                * *`[`Next`]`*
                    * URI: _
                    * User: [email protected]_
                    * Password: _MY-GENERATED-PASSWORD_
                    * (✔) Store in Secure Store
                * *`[`Next`]`*
                * (✔) master
                * *`[`Next`]`*
                * *`[`Browse`]`*
                    * Select folder
                * *`[`Next`]`*
                * (•) Input existing projects
                * *`[`Next`]`*
                * (✔) timeme
                * (✔) Add project to working sets
                * *`[`Select`]`*
                    * *`[`New`]`*
                        * Resource
                        * *`[`Next`]`*
                            * Working set name: _Time Me_
                            * *`[`Finish`]`*
                    * (✔) Time Me
                    * *`[`OK`]`*
                * *`[`Finish`]`*

6. Install Mylyn Google Code connector

   * Eclipse-> 
       * Help-> 
           * Install new software->
               * Work with: _
               * (Add)
                   * Name: _gconnector_
                   * *`[`OK`]`*
               * (✔) Nightly builds
               * *`[`Next`]`*
               * *`[`Next`]`*
               * (•) I accept the terms
               * *`[`Finish`]`*
               * Security Warning: *`[`OK`]`*
               * *`[`Restart Now`]`*

7. Configure Mylyn Google Code connector

   * Eclipse->
       * Window->
           * Preferences->
               * (⊳) Mylyn
                   * Tasks
                       * (✔) Synchronize with repositories every _5_ minutes
                       * Week Start: _Monday_
                       * (✔) Highlight current line
               * *`[`Apply`]`*
               * *`[`OK`]`*
       * Window->
           * Open perspective->
               * Other...->
                   * Team Synchronization
                   * *`[`OK`]`*
       * Task Repositories (pane)->
           * ∇ (Menu)
               * Add Task Repository
                   * Google Code
                   * *`[`Next`]`*
                   * Project URL: _
                   * Label: _timeme_
                   * ☐ Anonymous
                   * User ID: [email protected]_
                   * Password: _MY-GMAIL-PASSWORD_
                   * (✔) Save Password
                   * *`[`Validate Settings`]`* (Note: does not verify password)
                   * *`[`Finish`]`*
           * Would you like to add a task?: *`[`Yes`]`*
               * (•) Use a predined query
                   * Open issues
               * *`[`Finish`]`*
       * Window->
           * Open perspective->
               * Other...->
                   * Java (Default)
                   * *`[`OK`]`*
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️