Heimdall Class Diagrams - mitre/heimdall2 GitHub Wiki

Database ERD




Table schema

Name Data Type Precision Not NULL Primary Key Default Notes
id bigint true true nextval('"Evaluations_id_seq"'::regclass)
userId bigint false *either userId or groupId must be set
groupId bigint false *either groupId or userId must be set
evaluationTagId bigint false field is not used, when an evaluation is added to the database and entry is added to the EvaluationTags table
public boolean true false
filename character varying 255 true
data json true
createdAt timestamp with time zone true
updatedAt timestamp with time zone true

NOTE (*): An evaluation is either uploaded by a user or a group (via API key, or directly loading the scan into the application). Group evaluations can only be uploaded vi API.

SQL Script

CREATE TABLE public."Evaluations"(
  id bigserial NOT NULL,
  "userId" bigint,
  "groupId" bigint,
  "evaluationTagId" bigint,
  public boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
  filename character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  "data" json NOT NULL,
  "createdAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
  "updatedAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT "Evaluations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY(id)

COMMENT ON TABLE public."Evaluations" IS 'Evaluations attributes table';

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