Config tips to speed up Sitecore - mitikov/KeepSitecoreSimple GitHub Wiki
Huge disclaimer
Following steps in this post will NOT resolve all your problems - no magic here.
General idea
- Each logical operation requires resources (CPU/RAM/Network/whatever)
- The more operations to do = the more resources
- Less logical operations = fewer resources
Despite some features are not used, they still perform some logic = consume resources.
Do something fast is slower than not doing anything.
Disable diagnostics
A) Disable collection of rendering data (via 'Statistics.CollectRenderingData' setting)
The data is only used by 'sitecore\admin\stats.aspx' page that is useful during development only (totally useless in production). Many requests = a lot of data in statistics = unnecessary RAM usage.
B) Disable performance counters (via 'Counters.Enabled' setting) - not much to add here.
C) Set all loggers to write only WARN+ messages -> Sitecore writes a lot of data into logs under debug/info levels.
While it is a good idea to enable 'INFO' messages in dev/pre-prod, keeping those in production would result in tons of data nobody cares about. The things get worse with AppInsights as you'll faster reach the limit and might miss really important stuff.
D) Comment out 'HealthMonitorHook' - not only it will log unnecessary information, but will also create a redundant timer behind the scenes.
E) Disable BeginDiagnostics & EndDiagnostics, StartMeasurements & StopMeasurements processors - they are invoked on each request
F) Disable 'ShowVersion' processor - while it is supposed to log all assemblies versions, it must load & parse their versions = up to half a second wasted on each application start.