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This series is divided in to Katas and Kumites: katas are exercises to build up the foundational knowledge while the kumites build up on the katas. You are encouraged to complete the Katas before attempting the Kumites.


  1. Kata00 - Dependencies
  2. Kata01 - Theming: Colour and Typography
  3. Kata02 - ToolBar
  4. Kata03 - RecyclerView and Cards
  5. Kata04 - CoordinatorLayout, CollapsingToolbar and Palette
  6. Kata05 - NavigationDrawer
  7. Kata06 - Floating Action Button (FAB) and SnackBar


  1. Kumite01 - Card animation
  2. Kumite02 - RecyclerView Item Selection
  3. Kumite03 - NavigationDrawer Item Selection
  4. Kumite04 - Adding Cards
  5. Kumite05 - Removing Cards
  6. Kumite06 - Reordering Cards
  7. Kumite07 - Moar Theming (colours, styles and typography)
