Installation - mitchdav/sns-laravel GitHub Wiki

Installing the library

You can install the library using Composer:

composer require mitchdav/sns-laravel

You can target a specific version if necessary:

Laravel / Lumen Version Install Syntax
5.6 composer require mitchdav/sns-laravel "5.6.*"
5.5 composer require mitchdav/sns-laravel "5.5.*"
5.4 composer require mitchdav/sns-laravel "5.4.*"
5.3 composer require mitchdav/sns-laravel "5.3.*"

The library supports both Laravel and Lumen, and the installation process differs here for each.


Add the following service provider to your config/app.php file:


You can also add the facade if required:

'SNS' => Mitchdav\SNS\Facades\SNS::class,


Add the following to your bootstrap/app.php file:


Creating the configuration

As Lumen doesn't provide a config folder or the ability to publish configuration files, the configuration process differs again.


You can export the config file with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mitchdav\SNS\Provider"


Copy the following into bootstrap/app.php, just above $app->register(Mitchdav\SNS\LumenProvider::class);.

use Aws\Sns\Message;
// use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

	'sns' => [
		// The credentials needed for the AWS client
		'client'        => [
			'id'      => env('AWS_ACCOUNT_ID'),
			'key'     => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY'),
			'secret'  => env('AWS_SECRET_KEY'),
			'region'  => env('AWS_REGION'),
			'version' => 'latest',

		// The base URL for each of the routes, which is used to give SNS the right subscription endpoints
		'url'           => rtrim(env('APP_URL'), '/'),

		// Suitable defaults
		'defaults'      => [
			'topics' => [
				'region'  => env('AWS_REGION'),
				'id'      => env('AWS_ACCOUNT_ID'),
				'prefix'  => str_slug(env('APP_NAME')),
				'joiner'  => '_',
				'formARN' => function ($region, $id, $prefix, $joiner, $topic) {
					// This default joiner will form ARNs similar to arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:1234567890:app-name_test-broadcast
					$output = 'arn:aws:sns:' . $region . ':' . $id . ':';

					if (!empty($prefix)) {
						$output .= $prefix . $joiner;

					return $output . $topic;

			'subscriptions' => [
				// This will be the default route for all subscriptions
				'route' => '/sns',

		// The topics and their matching ARNs, which can be created with
		// php artisan sns:create
		'topics'        => [
			// The ARN can be formed using the defaults above

			// You can also define the ARN directly
			//'test-broadcast-arn' => 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:1234567890:test-broadcast-arn',

		// The topics to be subscribed to, and their matching actions
		'subscriptions' => [
			'test-broadcast' => [
				// 'controller' => 'BroadcastController@testBroadcast',
				// 'job'        => 'TestBroadcastJob',
				'callback' => function (Message $message) {
					// Log::info('Broadcast received from ARN "' . $message->offsetGet('TopicArn') . '" with Message "' . $message->offsetGet('Message') . '".');

			/*'test-broadcast-arn' => [
				// You can also dispatch an array of actions
				'controller' => [
				'job'        => [
				'callback'   => [
					function (\Aws\Sns\Message $message) {
						// Log::info('Broadcast received from ARN "' . $message->offsetGet('TopicArn') . '" with Message "' . $message->offsetGet('Message') . '".');
				// You can override the route on a per-subscription basis
				// 'route'      => '/sns/test-broadcast-arn',