Schema - misshenyc/Wedio GitHub Wiki


Column name Data type Details
id integer not null, primary key
first_name string not null, indexed
last_name string not null, indexed
email string not null, indexed, unique
password_digest string not null
session_token string not null, indexed, unique
created_at datetime not null
update_at datetime not null

user has_many videos:

  • foreign_key: creator_id;
  • table: videos;

user has_many comments:

  • foreign_key: commentor_id;
  • table: comments;

user has_many plays:

  • foreign_key: viewer_id;
  • table: users

user has_one channel:

  • foreign_key: owner_id;
  • table: channels;


Column name Data type Details
id integer not null, primary key
title string not null
description string not null
creator_id integer not null, indexed, unique, foreign_key
created_at datetime not null
update_at datetime not null

video belongs_to a creator:

  • foreign_key: creator_id;
  • table: users;

video has_many comments:

  • foreign_key: video_id;
  • table: comments;

video has_many likes:

  • :as => :likable

video has_many plays:

  • foreign_key: video_id;
  • table: video_plays;


Column name Data type Details
id integer not null, primary key
viewer_id integer not null, index, foreign_key
video_id integer not null, index, foreign_key
created_at datetime not null
update_at datetime not null

video_play belongs to viewer:

  • foreign_key: viewer_id;
  • table: users

video_play belongs to a video:

  • foreign_key: video_id;
  • table: videos


Column name Data type Details
id integer not null, primary key
body string not null
commenter_id integer not null, indexed, unique
video_id integer not null, indexed, unique, foreign key
created_at datetime not null
update_at datetime not null

comment belongs_to a commentor:

  • foreign_key: commentor_id;
  • table: users

comment belongs_to a video:

  • foreign_key: video_id;
  • table: videos

comment has_many likes:

  • :as => :likable


polymorphic associations

Column name Data type Details
id integer not null, primary key
if_like boolean not null, default: false
if_dislike boolean not null, default: false
likeable_id integer not null
likeable_type string not null
created_at datetime not null
update_at datetime not null


note: bonus

Column name Data type Details
id integer not null, primary key
channel_name string not null
owner_id integer not null, indexed, foreign_key
created_at datetime not null
update_at datetime not null

channel has_one: owner *foreign_key: owner_id; *table: users

channel has_many subscriptions:

  • foreign_key: subscriber_id;
  • table: subscriptions


note: bonus

Column name Data type Details
id integer not null, primary key
channel_id integer not null, indexed, unique, foreign key(refers to the channels table)
subscriber_id integer not null, indexed, unique, foreign key(refers to the users table)
created_at datetime not null
update_at datetime not null

subscription belongs_to channel;

  • foreign_key: channel_id;
  • table: channels;

subscription belongs_to user;

  • foreign_key: subscriber_id;
  • table: users;