Home - mirrox1337/qtarget-QBCore GitHub Wiki
Home Noms edited this page 4 days ago ยท 4 revisions Overview
qTarget is a FiveM interaction / targeting solution that allows you to hold a key to activate a mode that will let players target specific objects or zones to be able to interact with. Features
Support for Objects, PolyZones, EntityZones, and Entities
Future support planned for: Players, Peds, Vehicles, VehicleBones
Passes data through to the event that is executed
Utilizes canInteract(), a function you can define for each individual option to determine whether or not that option should be visible.
Utilizes required_item, which hooks into linden_inventory to check if you have an item before showing the option.
Utilizes a multi-functional job check per option, which can be a string or a table defining minimum grade to see an option.
Disables combat while the interactive mode is active.
Optimised to an inch of its life - 0.04ms max recorded during testing.
This is an actively developed resource. As such, it is to be expected that there are bugs, issues and - heaven forbid - breaking commits, occasionally. We will provide support for this resource, so long as you accept that this is currently a work in progress and not yet intended as a final product.
With that being said, we're happy to release this resource as it is functional to a point matching or exceeding functionality to our previous forked versions of bt-target, which this resource is heavily based on, and uses the javascript from. Credits
Primary development by @thelindat and @OfficialNoms
Inspired by, and based on, including using javascript from: bt-target by @brentN5
Motivation by the entire Linden's discord communtiy.
Made for QuantusRP, our FiveM roleplaying server.