Extra Credit: Makefile Setup - miroswan/vagrant_spec GitHub Wiki

In this section, we will create a Makefile that will ease the execution of the various execution tasks we've done so far.

Create the Makefile

Create a file called Makefile in your Vagrant directory and add the following contents:

default: up install_roles init deploy test

all: up install_roles init deploy test destroy

	vagrant up

	ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

	vagrant spec init

	ansible-playbook site.yml -i vagrantspec_inventory

	vagrant spec test

	vagrant destroy -f

Note: Be sure to use tabs instead of spaces when working with Makefiles.

Now, we should be able to run make all within a continuous integration or continuous deployment pipeline prior to releasing any changing to our application. Alternatively, each task can be split into separate pipeline stages. For more information regarding make, go here.

Next: Conclusion