5 причини да продължа... - mirosr/rails-girls GitHub Wiki

5 причини да продължа...

1. Sandi Metz - sandimetz.com

Sandi Metz

"Bikes has always been cool"

Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby

The 4 rules:

  1. Classes can be no longer than one hundred lines of code.
  2. Methods can be no longer than five lines of code.
  3. Pass no more than four parameters into a method. Hash options are parameters.
  4. Controllers can instantiate only one object. Therefore, views can only know about one instance variable and views should only send messages to that object (@object.collaborator.value is not allowed).

“You should break these rules only if you have a good reason or your pair lets you.”


2. Katrina Owen - kytrinyx.com

Katrina Owen

Refactoring. Therapeutic refactoring.

exercism.io - Deep practice. Crowd-sourced mentorship.


3. Sarah Mei - sarahmei.com

Sarah Mei


Pair programming


4. Ashe Dryden - ashedryden.com

Ashe Dryden

The Diverse Team - Healthy Companies, Progressive Practices


5. Saron Yitbarek - bloggytoons.com

Saron Yitbarek

Reading Code
