Responses - mirkode/asana-code-challenge GitHub Wiki
You can have one out of multiple JSON responses.
"query": "Checkpoint Charlie",
"coordinates": [
"latitude": 52.5075459,
"longitude": 13.3903685,
"formatted": "Friedrichstraße 43-45, 10969 Berlin, Deutschland"
errors: []
No Results
"query": "somethingterriblyinvalid",
"coordinates": [],
"errors": [
"provider": "Google",
"message": "No results"
Malformed Request
If you forget to append an address you will receive a 400 Bad Request
"errors": [
"message": "Please provide a geocodable search query (e.g. an address)"
All other errors, when happening on the external API side, should be looped through to the front-end via the GeoCodingError
The error message follows the standard format above (ideally including on which provider's API it occurred).
"errors": [
"provider": "PROVIDER_NAME",
"errors": [{"message": "ERROR_MESSAGE"}]