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import ""


Package properties provides functions for reading and writing ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 encoded .properties files and has support for recursive property expansion.

Java properties files are ISO-8859-1 encoded and use Unicode literals for characters outside the ISO character set. Unicode literals can be used in UTF-8 encoded properties files but aren't necessary.

To load a single properties file use MustLoadFile():

    p := properties.MustLoadFile(filename, properties.UTF8)


Package files

boo.go doc.go

func Boo

func Boo()

Decode assigns property values to exported fields of a struct.

Decode traverses v recursively and returns an error if a value cannot be converted to the field type or a required value is missing for a field.

The following type dependent decodings are used:

String, boolean, numeric fields have the value of the property key assigned. The property key name is the name of the field. A different key and a default value can be set in the field's tag. Fields without default value are required. If the value cannot be converted to the field type an error is returned.

time.Duration fields have the result of time.ParseDuration() assigned.

time.Time fields have the vaule of time.Parse() assigned. The default layout is time.RFC3339 but can be set in the field's tag.

Arrays and slices of string, boolean, numeric, time.Duration and time.Time fields have the value interpreted as a comma separated list of values. The individual values are trimmed of whitespace and empty values are ignored. A default value can be provided as a semicolon separated list in the field's tag.

Struct fields are decoded recursively using the field name plus "." as prefix. The prefix (without dot) can be overridden in the field's tag. Default values are not supported in the field's tag. Specify them on the fields of the inner struct instead.

Map fields must have a key of type string and are decoded recursively by using the field's name plus ".' as prefix and the next element of the key name as map key. The prefix (without dot) can be overridden in the field's tag. Default values are not supported.


    // Field is ignored.
    Field int `properties:"-"`

    // Field is assigned value of 'Field'.
    Field int

    // Field is assigned value of 'myName'.
    Field int `properties:"myName"`

    // Field is assigned value of key 'myName' and has a default
    // value 15 if the key does not exist.
    Field int `properties:"myName,default=15"`

    // Field is assigned value of key 'Field' and has a default
    // value 15 if the key does not exist.
    Field int `properties:",default=15"`

    // Field is assigned value of key 'date' and the date
    // is in format 2006-01-02
    Field time.Time `properties:"date,layout=2006-01-02"`

    // Field is assigned the non-empty and whitespace trimmed
    // values of key 'Field' split by commas.
    Field []string

    // Field is assigned the non-empty and whitespace trimmed
    // values of key 'Field' split by commas and has a default
    // value ["a", "b", "c"] if the key does not exist.
    Field []string `properties:",default=a;b;c"`

    // Field is decoded recursively with "Field." as key prefix.
    Field SomeStruct

    // Field is decoded recursively with "myName." as key prefix.
    Field SomeStruct `properties:"myName"`

    // Field is decoded recursively with "Field." as key prefix
    // and the next dotted element of the key as map key.
    Field map[string]string

    // Field is decoded recursively with "myName." as key prefix
    // and the next dotted element of the key as map key.
    Field map[string]string `properties:"myName"`

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