Shell filename expansion - miraj/tools GitHub Wiki

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##Questions ####Question 1 what's the difference the * in

grep RESULT *

grep * result.txt

grep "TestCase.*Result=" logfile.txt

grep "Result" *

####Question 2 what happens in this command:

grep * *

####Question 3 What's wrong in this? Since -r is given, will this search in all subfolders? why?

grep -r correctPinControl *.pm


All .c files

ls *.c

All c and h files

ls *.[ch]

All cpp and hpp files

ls *.[ch]pp

All files starts with test

ls test*

All files start with test. and have single character file extension

ls test.?

Question 4
ls *.c 

ls sees how many arguments? 1? 
Question 5
ls *.c 

if there are no .c files in the current folder, what does * expanded to? What's the argument to ls? 
Question 5
All files starts with MyShows in MyShows folder

ls MyShows/MyShows*.pm

All files starts with MyShows or Myshows in MyShows folder

ls MyShows/My[sS]hows*.pm

Matches all subfolders of scripts/

ls scripts/*/*.pm.xml