Runtime Environment - mips-open-ide/Releases GitHub Wiki

Runtime Environment

The IDE uses MIPS QEMU as a default target to host standalone embedded and Linux applications.

Standalone applications

At debug time, the IDE spawns an instance of MIPS QEMU to host the standalone applications. At present, file and console IOs are not yet being fielded and handled through the IDE semi-hosting capability. This feature will be supported in future releases.

Linux applications

The instance of MIPS QEMU that hosts the embedded Linux applications must first runs the Linux kernel before execution and debugging of the applications can commence. Depending on the speed of the host computer, significant amount of time may be required for QEMU to successfully boots into Linux.

The IDE can transparently starts MIPS QEMU with Linux at debug time, which can result in significant wait time, especially if the debug activity occurs repeatedly. Alternatively, the you can launch QEMU with Linux ahead of time (and once) by clicking on the QEMU icon in the toolbar:

This will pre-launch an instance of MIPS QEMU with Linux that can be used by multiple debug launches.

The default login credential for MIPS QEMU Linux is:
