Installing on Windows - mips-open-ide/Releases GitHub Wiki

We recommend that MIPS Open IDE be installed in the default directory, which varies depending on the host computer Operating System. On Windows, MIPS Open IDE is installed under:

c:\Program Files\MIPS Open IDE

Subsequent releases of the IDE will install in version specific directories to allow multiple versions to co-exist on the same host platform.

MIPS Open IDE Install Flow

MIPS Open IDE utilizes izPack to manage the installation on the host machine. To install the IDE, run the executable installer, either from the command line, or by double-clicking on the executable from the desktop or file manager.

The main MIPS Open IDE installer screen is shown below:

Select the “Next” button to proceed with the installation. The MIPS Open IDE release note is shown below. Please read over to verify that the contents meet your expectation, and select the “Next” to proceed:

You shall be presented with the MIPS Open IDE End User License Agreement. Review carefully, select “I accept the terms of this license agreement” and “Next” to continue or “Quit” to exit.

Figure 6 - MIPS Open IDE License Agreement

Once “Next” is selected, MIPS Open IDE presents the packages to install in Figure 7. It is recommended that you simply select “Next” to proceed.

Figure 7 - Package Selection

Once “Next” is selected, MIPS Open IDE installer presents the installation path below.

You can choose to keep the recommended installation path, or enter an alternative. Select “Next” to continue.

If MIPS Open IDE has previously been installed in the selected path, you will be asked whether or not to overwrite the existing installation. It is a good idea that you select an alternate path in this case.

The MIPS Open IDE installer presents a summary of packages to be installed in. Select “Next” to proceed.

The installer shall begin to copy the selected packages into the installation directory, shown below.

After all the files have been copied, click the “Finish” button to complete the installation of MIPS Open IDE.

The MIPS Open IDE is now installed on your host system.