☄️ Final Fantasy XIV - minokah/Robonokah GitHub Wiki
☄️ Search Tool
- Search for (almost) anything from the game
- Data provided by Garland Tools and XIVAPI
🔍 Searching
Look up items
/xiv search
❓ Displaying information
🕵️ Profiles
Look up a character
/xiv character
Find servers with (character name here)
/xiv csearch
You can also view job levels, FC info and Eureka and Bozja levels
📦 Items
Look up item info
/xiv item
General information
Crafting ingredients
Triple Triad and Lord of Verminion stats
Market Board data
🏡 Instances
Instance info including treasure coffer and boss loot
/xiv instance
🔥 Quests
Quest info with rewards, journal entries and objectives
/xiv quest
🌟 Actions
/xiv action
🏆 Achievements
/xiv achievement
🗺️ Maps
View a map of a location
/xiv map
🤡 Display the copypasta
Yes, that one
/xiv ad