Configuration - ministryofjustice/prison-visits-2 GitHub Wiki

Environment variables

DATABASE_URL - This will override any settings in config/database.yml, and should be of the form postgres://myuser:mypass@localhost/somedatabase.

GA_TRACKING_ID - Google Analytics ID, used for the Performance Platform.

MOJSSO_ID, MOJSSO_SECRET, MOJSSO_URL - Configuration for OAuth based sign-on.

PRISON_API_HOST - The base URL for the Prison API. (Optional) If not set calls to the NOMIS API will be disabled.

STAFF_PRISONS_WITH_SLOT_AVAILABILITY - Comma (,) separated list of prisons that have NOMIS slot availability enabled for staff. Defaults to none by default.

NOMIS_STAFF_SLOT_AVAILABILITY_ENABLED - If true then the process visit page will query nomis to check if slots requested for a visit are available at the requested prison.

PUBLIC_PRISONS_WITH_SLOT_AVAILABILITY - A comma separated list of prisons for which PVB2 API will return slots along with their live availability: check which slots are available at the requested prison.

REDIS_URL - Tells the application where to find a Redis server for use with queues. See the redis gem documentation for more details. If not set, the application will attempt to connect to a Redis server on port 6379 of the local host.

SECRET_KEY_BASE - This key is used to verify the integrity of signed cookies. If it is changed, all old signed cookies will become invalid. Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random, no regular words or you’ll be exposed to dictionary attacks. You can use rake secret to generate a secure secret key.

PUBLIC_SERVICE_URL - This is used to build public links in emails. It must be set in the production environment to

SSO_REVIEW_BASIC_USER, SSO_REVIEW_BASIC_PASSWORD, SSO_REVIEW_PARENT_ID - These are used by the Heroku hooks for review apps to setup and teardown SSO data.

STAFF_SERVICE_URL - This is used to build staff links in emails. It must be set in the production environment to

SMTP_DOMAIN - These configure email delivery in the production environment. SMTP_DOMAIN is also used when generating the no-reply@ address and the feedback@ stand-in address used when submitting feedback without an email address to Zendesk.

ZENDESK_USERNAME, ZENDESK_TOKEN, ZENDESK_URL - These are required in order to submit user feedback to Zendesk.

ASSET_HOST (optional) - If specified this will configure Rails' config.asset_host, resulting in all asset URLs pointing to this host.

SENTRY_DSN (optional) - If specified, exceptions will be sent to the given Sentry project.

SENTRY_JS_DSN (optional) - If specified, Javascript exceptions will be sent to the given Sentry project.

Files to be created on deployment

META - This file, located in the root directory, should be a JSON document containing build information to be returned by /ping.json. e.g.:

  "build_date": "2015-12-08T10:18:04.357122",
  "commit_id": "a444e4b05276ae7dc2b1d4224e551dfcbf768795"