Part 2 Contributions - mini/git-brunching GitHub Wiki
Contributions from the second team (Group 4) to work on this project.
Please keep in alphabetical order!
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Some Contributor: GithubName
- Contribution
- Contribution, something else
(add your section based on the above template below here):
Bryan Ang: ZianYangAng
- Cancel booking button (Issue #190)
- Connected Reservations frontend and backend together (Issue #205)
Dhruv Phadnis: mini
- Made HiFi prototype for popup menus (Issue #185)
- Implemented displaying multi-page menus (Issue #182)
- Minor bug fixes (Issue #262)
Gargi Bansal: gargi-bansal
- Added documentation for Mac OS X database setup (Issue #195)
- Added ability to delete reservations from "Edit Booking" on the homepage (Issue #234)
- Created hi-fi prototypes for adding category rows to the homepage (Issue #258)
- Added the ability to search for restaurants on the homepage on the front end (Issue #198)
- Fixed delete and modify reservation functionality on the reservations page (Issue #213)
- Added new categories to homepage and linked them to the correct APIs (Issue #200)
- Made search on home page dynamic (Issue #277)
Hong Shi: HongShi10
- Sub-team leader
- Greyed out Reservations button when not logged in (Issue #207)
- Created API endpoints for Reviews and routing (Issue #209)
- Created API endpoints for Menus and routing (Issue #184)
- Created Swagger documentation for APIs
- Created Documentation on wiki for Menu and Reviews routing (Issue #288)
Jainal Gandhi: JainalGandhi
- Added custom image/logo support for restaurants in backend and frontend (Issue #269, Issue #169)
- Created endpoint to get most popular restaurants and endpoint to get restaurants which are currently open (Issue #253)
- Created endpoint to get new restaurants (Issue #276)
James Beach: jbea599
- Added pop-up confirmation for leaving booking screen (Issue #246)
- Bugfix popup (Issue #301)
Jed Robertson: JedLJRobertson
- Sub team leader
- Added this wiki page
- Wrote documentation for database setup in a variety of environments (Issue #194)
- Converted backend to be database-name agnostic for better operations (Issue #196)
Joshua Kim: style0403
- Fixed a bug where the user could book the past date (Issues #178)
Jun Han Zhu: tomatopaste202
- Fixed number of guests input (Issue #206)
- Manually entering date (Issue #155)
Ken Fong: DragonMeme
Lucas Hsieh: jhsi517
- Implemented the API for searching restaurants Issues #264
- Implemented the SMTP server and integrated with the reservation API (Issues #275)
- Create wiki page that explains SMTP account usage See Here
Lola Garden: lolagarden
- Added menus to be displayed when users click on the menu button (Issue #181)
- Made hi-fi prototype of the 'no menu' image hi-fi prototype
- Implemented 'no menu' image functionality (Issue #297)
- Presenter in the Git Brunching demo
- Editor of the Git Brunching video demo
Madeleine Beagley: maddiebeagley
- Sub-team leader
- Generated documentation for self-assignment best practices
- Generated a hi-fi prototype for menu button component on restaurant cards (Issue #179)
- Added menu button on restaurant cards as per hi-fi prototype specification (Issue #180)
- Added blank menu popup when menu button clicked (Issue #186)
Mitchell Faulconbridge: mitchfaulcon
- Fixed dates being saved in the database in one timezone then being read out in a different one (Issue #148)
- Made available booking times update as the number of guests changes (Issue #272)
- Added confirmation when deleting reservations (Issue #279)
Nathan Mills: NathanMills1
- Sub team leader
- Undefined booking reference (Issue #168)
- Monitored and marked off Users tests, Issues #160-#167
- Updated wiki section for setting up database using Google Cloud
Raghav Garg: raghavgarg32
- Added a cancel button to menu popup which exits the menu (Issue #187)
- Added a "Make Booking" button to menu popup which takes the user to the booking page (Issue #188)
- Updated menu popup documentation to include documentation on additional buttons for restaurant's locations and website (Issue #302)
- Added a button to menu popup that takes the user to the restaurant's website (Issue #300)
Richard Ng: richardng12
- Added input validation when booking a table (Issue #237)
- Debugging test environment
- Updated backend testing suite documentation
Vaibhav: vaibhavnz
- updated the tests for reservation API(#294)
- worked on frontend for editing.
Wendy Yao: wryao64
- Updated Restaurant table in database, dump script & API (Issue #202)
- Created Review table in database and updated dump script (Issue #210)
- Modified Reservation table in the database, updated dump script, modified Reservation API to match database (and fixed broken endpoints) (Issues #239, #242, #236)
- Created Menu table in database, updated dump script (#183)
- Fixed Reservation API that was conflicting, updated front-end calls to API to pass correct parameters (Issue #250)
- Updated Database documentation (High Level Architecture & Database Schema)
Wulei Gui: wgui783
- Added test cases for backend api capacity (Issue #240)
Yathursan Mohanathas: yathu03
- Created review feature in front end with a button and pop up (Issue #197)
- Changed messages for booking page (Issue #191)
Yifei Chen: yfchen12
- Created API endpoint to get the minimum MinGuests and maximum MaxGuests of tables in a restaurant (Issue #223)
- Fixed the large guest number bug in the booking page and made enhancement on it (Issue #175, Issue #193)
- Fixed tableCapacity undefinded bug (Issue #283)