Menu Pop up Hi Fi Prototype - mini/git-brunching GitHub Wiki
For single page and multi-page menus:
If no menu is available for a restaurant, this image appears in place of the menu image:
- Clicking Cancel closes pop up.
- Clicking outside of the main panel also closes pop up.
- Clicking Make Booking take use to time selection and # of guests screen.
- Clicking the web button on the top right corner opens a separate tab with the restaurant's website.
- Clicking the location button on the left of the web button opens a new tab opens with google maps showing the restaurant's location
- For multi-page menus:
- Buttons with left & right chevrons allow users to cycle through them.
- The current page is also highlighted by one of the pagination dots at the bottom.
Most of these use pre-existing themes/classes like in this file: LandingPage.module.css
Main Panel
- background: white
- box shadow: -1px 7px 35px -14px rgba(0,0,0,0.75)
- size: as shown above is 655x864px but will probably change
- font: Roboto bold 24px
- color: black
Horizontal line
- color: #C8C8C8
- thickness: 1px
Menu Image
- size: as shown above is 581x731 but will probably change
- text: ' ‹ ' ' › '
- font: Roboto bold 72px
- color: white 50% opacity
Pagination Dots
- size: 10px
- fill: white 50% opacity (100% on active dot)
Buttons - Existing implementation here: BookingEditPopupButton.js
- border-radius: 4px
- height: 36.5px
- width: 138px (or more if required)
- font: Roboto 14px CAPS
- text-alignment: vertically and horizontally centered
- spacing: 20px
Cancel Button
- fill: white (on hover #45C766)
- border: 1px #45C766
- text color: #45C766 (on hover white)
Make Booking Button
- fill: #45C766 (on hover #459651)
- border: 1px #459651
- text color: white
Web and Location Button
- color: black
- width: 30px (Can be changed)
- height: 30px (Can be changed)