Meeting Minutes - mini/git-brunching GitHub Wiki
Entire Team
Meeting 1: 6/03/2020
Present Members: Eric Leung, Grace Cocks, Ming Chen, Jacob Allen, Miles Erwin-Atmore, Liam Caldwell, Summer Ren, Brian Nguyen, Hassaan Mirza, Nidhinesh Nand, Aditya Krishnan, George McErlean, Alex Kim, Kungeng Wu, Chuyang Chen
Aim of Meeting: Discuss and choose our Open Source Software Project
Main Points Discussed:
- After a group poll had accumulated votes, the most popular ideas were discussed. These included: a local food feed similar to Zomato, a news feed app or a restaurant booking manager.
- The restaurant booking manager was chosen due to the ability to expand its width to include multiple components and involve all members of the team.
- Present members split into two sub-teams, Front-End and Back-End based on skills.
- The Front-End team decided on designing in JavaScript, using the React framework.
- The Back-End team decided on using C# but have not yet chosen a framework.
Aims for Next Meeting:
- The Back-End team will have decided on a framework and database system.
- Moving forward, the Front-End and Back-End teams will meet separately. The team leads will have meetings to co-ordinate the two components and ensure the code bases will integrate together smoothly.
Front-End Team
Meeting 1: 11/03/2020
Present Members: Brian Nguyen, Aditya Krishnan, Chuyang Chen, George McErlean, Hassaan Mirza, Kungeng Wu Condolences: Alex Kim
Aim of Meeting: Discuss current front-end plan and designate issues
Main Points Discussed:
React was decided as the framework to be used for the front-end, and would be written in JavaScript. Material UI may be used as well
Went over initial design and compared it to new design, going through panel by panel. Decided upon flow is landing page for restaurant selection, with a button to edit bookings. Then, a page with form to enter the number of seats needed and date. The page refreshes and returns available times for bookings. Then, the user selects a booking time and enters their contact information. Once confirmed, show confirmation page, and return to the landing page.
Issues discussed and raised. Allocated components/pages to individuals.
Allocations are:
Landing page cards: Kungeng
Landing page above: Alex
Make new page content: Brian
Booking - Guests & Dates: George
Booking - Times: Hassaan
Booking - Details: Aditya
Confirmation: George
Edit Booking Popup: Chuyang -
Decided upon Code Review pairs for when pull requests are being made. Brian is part of all pairs.
George - Hassaan
Chuyang - Aditya
Alex - Kungeng
Aims for Next Meeting:
- Each individual has completed their components and have a pull request in process
- Each member will brainstorm for future developments
Meeting 2: 16/03/2020
Present Members: Brian Nguyen, George McErlean, Hassaan Mirza, Kungeng Wu Condolences: Chuyang Chen, Aditya Krishnan Aim of Meeting: Work on logos and finishing up on unresolved pull requests
Main Points Discussed:
- Logos to be used for makeshift restaurants Nandoz and KCF developed and pushed to the repo
- Pull request for getting buttons to change colors depending on if they're selected or not was worked on
- Styling of the website for the Wednesday demo
Aims for Next Meeting:
- Complete pull request for buttons
- Complete pull request for confirmation page
- Complete styling for landing page and make it a pull request
Meeting 3: 16/03/2020
Present Members: Brian Nguyen, George McErlean, Hassaan Mirza Aim of Meeting: Complete work so far and meet with back-end team to discuss future work
Main Points Discussed:
- Met with back-end team to go over the state of database and APIs
- Shared look at and discussed the current state of front-end and future work
- Completed pull requests for buttons, confirmation page, and newly styled landing page
Aims for Next Meeting- Presentation on 18/03/20:
- Continue styling front-end for demo
- Allocate two members to speak in the presentation on behalf of the front-end team
- Proceed with integration from front-end to back-end, full functionality
Meeting 4: 18/03/2020
Present Members: Brian Nguyen, George McErlean, Hassaan Mirza, Kungeng Wu, Alex Kim, Aditya Krishnan
Condolences: Chuyang Chen
Aim of Meeting: Go over front-end and see future work that needs to be done
Main Points Discussed:
- Brian goes over the features in place and what was needed to be done to proceed with integration
- Hassaan volunteers to present at the demonstration
- Documentation and styling to be done after the demonstration gone over
Aims for Next Meeting
- Have all issues for front-end completed
- Have all documentation for front-end ready for handover
Back-End Team
Meeting 1: 10/03/2020
Present Members: Eric Leung, Grace Cocks, Ming Chen, Jacob Allen, Miles Erwin-Atmore
Aim of Meeting: Determine next steps for each developer with the back-end template now created
Main Points Discussed:
- .net was decided as the framework to be used for the back-end and would be written in C#
- Sprints (from the Scrum workflow) would be utilised to develop the back-end. Currently, 3 sprints will be executed, each lasting 3-4 days. These will be focused on: restaurant bookings for patrons, adding orders to bookings and, if time permitting, adding management functionality for restaurant owners.
- git rebase vs git merge master. The two options were discussed and a collaborative decision was made to use git rebase.
- Required API's for the bookings sprint were created. These include posting available booking times, creating a booking and managing a booking in the future
- Two sub-teams were created and each assigned 4 API's to develop during the first sprint.
Team 1: Ahmad, Ming, Miles. Working on available booking times and user details.
Team 2: Grace, Jacob, Liam. Working on creating, updating and deleting bookings.
Aims for Next Meeting:
- Each sub-team has completed the 4 API's assigned to their group and have a pull request in process
- Each member will complete a light brainstorm of the API's required for the second sprint surrounding ordering food with a booking
Meeting 2: 11/03/2020
Present Members: Eric Leung, Grace Cocks, Ming Chen, Jacob Allen, Miles Erwin-Atmore, Liam Caldwell
Aim of Meeting: Determine final structure for backend and get initial project up
Main Points Discussed:
- .net was proving extremely difficult to set up, so the change was made to instead use NodeJS
- MongoDB or MySQL would be used for the database
- A new repository was created, as the prior repository was in C# and did not have a clean commit and merge history
- A new issue format was created, to ensure the same template was used for all teams
Aims for Next Meeting:
- Have a database set up and connected to the backend
- Have the first round of API's created: providing available times and creating bookings
Meeting 3: 16/03/2020
Present Members: Eric Leung, Grace Cocks, Ming Chen, Jacob Allen, Miles Erwin-Atmore, Liam Caldwell
Aim of Meeting: Discuss current state of required API's and final steps before demonstration
Main Points Discussed:
- All fundamental endpoints have been developed, reviewed and merged into master apart from one. This is the endpoint to return the available times for a specific restaurant and date.
- The front-end team was notified that these endpoints are available, allowing them to link their functionality with the related calls.
- Restaurant ID needs to be auto-incremented, as currently front-end provides an ID, with no knowledge of those already occupied. This will require structure changes in the DB to ensure all keys are correctly linked.
- The key points for the demo will be the landing page, selecting a restaurant and successfully creating a booking.
Aims for Next Meeting - Presentation on 18/03/20:
- Allocated 2 members to speak on behalf of the backend team.
- Have all fundamental API's developed, reviewed, merged and interacting with the frontend.
Testing Team
Meeting 1: 09/03/2020
Present Members: Lin Shi, Summer Ren, Elliot Warner
Condolences: Rajan Gupta
Aim of Meeting: Discuss testing plan and framework
Main Points Discussed:
- Cypress is to be the testing framework used. Jest was mentioned, but is not suitable for end-to-end testing.
- Confirmed what functionality will be implemented by the front end.
- Brainstormed some initial test cases for the booking feature.
- Discussed git flow
To do:
- Produce a test plan
Meeting 2: 12/03/2020
Present Members: Lin Shi, Summer Ren, Elliot Warner
Condolences: Rajan Gupta
Aim of Meeting: Test team Catch up meeting
Main Points Discussed:
- Discussion what we are missing in test plan document
- How to set up the test framework
- What documents we can use for design test cases
To do:
- Produce a test plan - Done
- Setup test framework
Meeting 3: 14/03/2020
Present Members: Lin Shi, Summer Ren, Elliot Warner, Nidhinesh Nand, Liam Caldwell
Aim of Meeting: Test team Catch up meeting
Main Points Discussed:
- Discussion what the plan for CI pipeline
- Fix test framework issue
- Test case design
To do:
- Produce a test plan - Done
- Setup test framework - Done
- Produce test case template - Done
- Fill automation test case for navigation - Done
- Raise Issues
- Test Case design
Presentation Team
Meeting 1: 18/03/2020
Present Members: Nidhinesh Nand, Brian Nguyen, Mohammad Hassaan Mirza, Ming Chen Condolences: William Shin
Aim of Meeting: Discuss slides, presentation flow, and go over the demonstration
Main Points Discussed:
- Rehearsed slides developed by Eric Leung and Liam Caldwell
- Decided flow of presentation would be:
Nidhinesh introducing the project and discussing the main idea and who the audience is
William discussing the test stack
Hassaan going through the demo Nidhinesh finishing off
To do:
- Do the presentation