Future Work Suggestions - mini/git-brunching GitHub Wiki


Ordering System

The initial project idea involved implementing a menu and ordering system in addition to the booking system currently being put in place. Due to time constraints, this was discarded, and it was decided to focus solely on the reservation system. Future developers on this project will find this to be the most substantial contribution they can make to the project.
Once the client had selected a restaurant, they might then be able to see the menu. The food that can be ordered on the menu could be presented as a series of Cards from Material-UI, with a picture of the culinary item. If clicked in, the Card would expand into a popup, conveying the item description, its price, the ingredients present with options to remove or add more ingredients, and a text field for additional notes.
Once the customer is satisfied, they can click on some sort of Add to Cart button. There could be a running log of the items the customer has ordered on the side of the screen, with the option to remove undesired items. This was conceptualised to resemble how Dominos' ordering system functions. Once the order is completed, the customer can confirm and review their order. Once confirmed, they may get to a Thank You for Ordering screen, potentially giving them their order number as well as a message that they should pay on arrival, with the option to redirect back to the landing page of the restaurant.
These were merely some of the ideas that were been considered, and future teams do not have to follow them. They exist as a guide for how they could progress on implementing this idea.


It was considered thus far that Git-Brunching would gain revenue in a similar manner to Uber Eats, where restaurants would pay a fee for having their establishment hosted on the application. It would be free for customers to use, and there could be an implementation of early-bird discounts and deals for the restaurants to benefit from, as well as the clientele.

Current Bookings


A button that is currently present on the landing page, the intent of this page was to allow a restaurants administration to log in and see the bookings made for them, with the provided details shown in an efficient Card format. This is a feature that was considered, but there was ultimately not enough time to implement. It has thus been left hard-coded in the implementation so far. Not only would it provide the clients with a means to see more information from the database, as the reservations will be saved there, it also offers a means for future developers to implement authentication to the product. In conjunction to log in for the restaurant administration, customers could also have a login, where they can see their current orders/reservations and the ones they have made in the past.