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Intro & Achievements of entrepreneur "Minhazul Asif" & Recognition & Achievements & Progress Of Online Freelancing Education Platform CODEMANBD (for newbies who start following us shortly & 2000 student's admission celebration ! )

⚙️Get Connected With CodemanBD All Platforms: CMBD ALL PLATFORMS: https://tutorial.codemanbd.com/platforms/`

☛ I am Minhazul Asif Web, WordPress & WooCommerce/Shopify Instructor, Lead Generator/ Email & Digital marketing Expert / Affiliate/Dropship & ClickFunnels/ Click Bank & Multi vendor eCommerce Expert

☛ As freelancer Completed 833 Projects of 89 country's 562 client's at various marketplaces since 2009.

☛ Achieved Web Dev & Lead expert @Upwork /Level-2 seller badge at fiverr, Cert-4 seller badge at People Per Hour

☛ Founder & Lead Instructor & Freelancing Counselor of CodemanBD & Trained 2500+ freelancers & They earned $2.3 Million already

☛ Was former mentor & freelancing advisor at Shikhbe shobai & Coderstrust & REPTO Bangladesh

☛ Now leading as Founder at web agency (www.webbattalion.com) & Lead Gen Agency (www.leadscrapper.org)

☛ Also maintain We-Affiliators Team & Founded domain hosting service provider (www.zorait.com)

☛ Write continuously great freelancing/fiverr/upwork /web /wordpress/ lead blogs for the students (www.codemanbd.com/blog) & (www.webbattalion.com/blog)

Biggest entrepreneur, I (Minhazul Asif) Founded CodemanBD in 2017 and trained 2300+ students. Till now and almost 84% successful graduate won 18,560+ freelancing jobs & they earned $2.8 million at fiverr, Upwork, People Per Hour & freelancer.com marketplaces. Most interactive features of Minhazul asif he created a best 24/7 roster wise suport team who are waiting to give any client/job/ account related support !|

Resources & Achievements Show Of Minhazu Asif & CodemanBD *** 1900+ videos vault (Youtube channel): www.youtube.com/c/minhazulasifislam

*** CMBD Success Stories: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CodemanbdSuccessStories | ⚜️ 11 factors of cmbd behind the huge success












⚙️ CODEMANBD Support Formation & Way to get support

  1. www.codemanbd.com/support ::
    All In One Link | Category wise Direct Support At Codemanbd Support Site(Freelacing | Domain | Admission | Job Support)

  2. https://fb.com/groups/CodemanbdOnlineSupportCommunity/ CMBD Support Community, when students have time want some suggestions based comments they post here. and some talents reply and give suggestions, post writer have to allocate 5 points by whom he get most closest help & close the issue Based on points each month we award one "BEST SUPPORT PROVIDER OF THE MONTH" | Based on points each month we award one "BEST SUPPORT PROVIDER OF THE MONTH"

  3. m.me/CodemanbdOnlineSupport ::
    DURING fiverr crash crash students get direct client communication/ job/ account related support from us

  4. m.me/CodemanBD :
    Codemanbd Inbox Support for anyone - any query

  5. m.me/codemanbdadmission : Codemanbd Admission Inbox Support for anyone - general & admission & course query

  6. Founder & Lead Instructor Minhazul Asif's Inbox : for any query

  7. Batch Group & Chat & Dedicated Student Affairs Support :
    During course assignments & content related support given by 1 dedicated "student affairs" & also Each batch has a chat group & facebook group where only admitted studnts are added / during course they get support from there

  8. Group Leaders (Class Rep(CR) - Class Manager(CM) - Technical Leaders(TL) - Note Keepers(NK) Group Leaders(GL) & AGL : THEY are elected by direct students vote and they are liable for each students followups as for each position they have some fixed tasks and monthly followups

  9. Call Us Any Time :: For freelancing/ job/ market accounts / admission these numbers are open 24 hrs 01701-053412, 01571-750646, 01880-073036, 01937-481330, 01770-721883, 01303-317139, 01721-778176, 01871-993300 |

  10. CodemanBD Success Stories : https://www.facebook.com/groups/CodemanbdSuccessStories many freelancing account & major crisis related issues solutions are there the post of our students sharing actually is created for CodemanBD's student's freelancing success sharing group. The motto is -To motivate new freelancers,

To get inspiration to the job winner(CodemanBD students) and

after successful job completion, we motivate here for awesome review & rating from freelancing the clients by posting - 1st job completion banners - 5 -10- 50 job completion banner

Monthly Best freelancers & highest earner are coming to “FB Live Of CMBD”

Best 5 contributors (for post & comments) are getting awarded each month

A New students get huge motivations from seniors sucess

During sharing post of success - they put the gig link which get huge click and views from the viewers of cmbd success page & his followers

New students also get idea - how to showcase a gig with a service/ price

The juniors have to keep inspire seniors when fiverr/upwork crash started

And some newbies don't believe that, its possible to earn money from Online. Just its a great platform to believe, trust and love freelancing platform.

Also some new idea / freelancing client experience / good - bad client info sharing make the cmbd success stories a now known as a vault of huge knowledge of freelancing experience from cmbd community member !

in return seniors keep helping the juniors at codemanbd support group ! Give n Take!

CMBD featured the housewive & female students as well & they get lifetime support and help. CMBD students earned $2.8 million at fiverr, Upwork, People Per Hour & freelancer.com marketplaces.

We also show roadmap, guidelines here when they share new jobs details here to complete the job properly and gain client satisfaction and finally to build up, rise, go up, mount their awesome and speedy freelancing success

And some newbies don't believe that, its possible to earn money from Online. Just its a great platform to believe, trust and love freelancing platform.



⚙️ Get Connected With Our Platforms: http://tutorial.codemanbd.com/platforms/ ⚜️ Expertise Of CMBD Students ::: My Student's Skill Set (Web, WordPress & WooCommerce/Shopify Developer, Lead Generator/ Email & Digital marketor / Affiliate/Dropship & eCommerce Expert)

☛ Web & WordPress Expertise to Create any web sites and web application

☛ WordPress theme development & customization

☛ WordPress plugin development & customization

☛ Personal/Business Website using wordpress

☛ Bootstrap coded responsive PSD to HTML/Bootstrap

☛ Custom Javascript designed custom plugin

☛ Jquery Plugin integration

☛ Landing Page/ Lead pages

☛ App & Games launching/ Product-Service based Landing page.


✎ Mailer Lite/Mailchimp/ Aweber/ Get Response Email Template/Campaign


✎ Login Registration Form, Sign in- SignUp Page Creation.

☛ Contact US Form/ Social Button & social sharing, Auto Responder/ facebook pixel.

✎ Maintain your site for 6 months, follow up malware, speed & content edit issues.

☛ jQuery plugin integration(Accordion, wow-js, owl-carousel2, wow-slider)

☛ Single or multi Page HTML website

✎ Create a Responsive business website using Bootstrap grid system

☛ eCommerce/woocommerce Website

☛ Page Builder - visual composer, elementor, divi, thrive, ux builder

☛ Payment gateway - Paypal & Stripe Integration & FB Pixel

☛ Sign up, Member & Social Sharing Features

✎ By Zoominfo Pro Collecting direct phone number using zoominfo Pro using ZIP /city/ industry

✎ Lead generation, Tools: zoominfo Pro, egrabber.com, leadmine.net, getprospect.io, eToggler, Atomic hunter, , hunter.io, scrapp.io

✎ Find instant unlimited bulk leads by - atomic email hunter/ atomic lead extractor

✎ Send unlimited email templated by : “Atomic email sender”

✎ Verify instant unlimited email address & clear bounced email by: “atomic email verifier & never bounce”

☛ Lead Generation/ Virtual Assistant/ Web Researcher/ Data Entry Expert

☛ Mailchimp - Zaiper & Zoho & Hubspot Automation(Connect between 2 apps/ Toos)

☛ Mailchimp - Subscriber pop up & automation & woo automation

☛ By Mailchimp - order notify mail/ invoice/ refind/ abandoned cart mail/ product target template

☛ Get Response & Aweber & Mailer lite email marketing

➤ Pixel Your Site for product cart/ checkout

➤ Yoast SEO Premium for google seo/ webmaster

➤ Google pagespeed 80%(gTmetrix)

➤ brute force attack & malware & phnishing & backdoor & multi attempt login block(web security)

➤ Google tag manager and Google Analytics for eCommerce/ Google re-captcha

➤ Speed Increase website / eCommerce / shopify website

☛ Shopify Store design & Premium Theme Customisation

☛ Shopify Product upload & customise / & Import product by Oberlo app

☛ Shopify & Aliexpress Dropship/ Sales Channel & Apps Customize

☛ Shopify SEO & Speed Up & Backup-Migration

☛ Click Bank Affiliate Marketing

☛ Click Funnels/ Upsell / Lead collect/ sales funnels product/service marketing

⚙️ Motto & Mission/ Vision

*** My vision is to make the agency bigger to give an opportunity work lots of freelancers who are unsuccessful but skilled freelancers.

*** I want to continue instructing & nursing lots of students & freelancers at online & offline & remove the curse of money scarcity by earning from freelancing from anywhere within thing/skill.

২০১৬ সালের শেষের দিকে মিনহাজ প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন কোডম্যান বিডি। পর পর ৩ টি ব্যাচ এর ১২০ ফ্রীলান্সার প্রথম মাসেই শুরু করেন কোর্স । ২ মাস পর ফ্রীল্যাংসিং মার্কেটপ্লেস ক্র্যাশ প্রোগ্রাম । আর এসজিতে থাকে একে একে ৮৭ জন ফ্রীলান্সারস এর সাকসেস । ব্যাস - এরপর আর পিছনে থাকতে হয় নি ।

এখন কোড ম্যান বিডি 2300+ ফ্রীলান্সারস এর পরিবার - যারা নিজেরাই নিজেদের প্রব্লেম এর সল্যুশন করে থাকে কোড ম্যান বিডি এর প্লাটফর্ম থেকে । কারণ প্লাটফর্ম মিনহাজ ভাই এমন ভাবে তৈরী করেছেন যেন - সিনিয়র রা - নতুন ফ্রীলান্সার দের টানা প্রতিযোগিতার মতো সাহায্য করতে থাকেন । আবার জুনিয়র রা - পুরাতন ফ্রীলান্সারস দের টানা সাকসেস পোস্ট এ মোটিভেশন জুগিয়ে থাকে ।

তার মধ্যে টপ ফ্রীলান্সার রা পেয়ে যান - CMBD এলিট ফ্রীলান্সার তকমা - আর সাথে সাথে পেয়ে যান ভল্ট, নতুন ব্যাচ এর ফ্রি ক্লাস ভিডিও সহ ইনস্ট্যান্ট সাপোর্ট , কিন্তু এটা ধরে রাখতে হলে - প্রতিদিন নতুন ফ্রীলান্সারস দেড় নানা সমস্যা সমাধান করতেই হবে ।

CodemanBD - এমন একটি প্লাটফর্ম তৈরী করেছেন - যেখানে সব হয় অনলাইন - আর অনেকের এ অজান্তে দেশের জন্য কোড ম্যান বিডি এর ফ্রীল্যানার্স রা total 23 million dollar & ১০,০০০+ ডলার ইনকাম করছেন প্রতি মাসে। 2০০+ একদম নতুন ফ্রীলান্সার প্রতি মাসে কাজ পাচ্ছেন । যা দেশের জন্য - অনন্য এক উদাহরণ ।

📖📕Minhaz’s Educational & Professional & Freelancing Qualifications & Achievements

🏅Minhazul Asif, EEE graduate from AUST & did MBA on MIS 🏅Served at Robi Axiata, GrameenPhone, Summit Group, CodersTrust, Shikhbe Shobai for long 6 years 🏅Started Freelancing in June 2012 at Upwork, 🏅earned more then 40 thousands USD from 3 marketplaces with 6 accounts, 🏅He was top rated freelancer at upwork for long 9 months (with 1000+ Hours Billed with 88 competed JOBS 🏅His 2 fiverr accounts achieved level 2 badge in just 33 days & 🏅Completed 850+ orders on each fiverr accounts, till now completed total 952 Freelancing marketplaces jobs
🏅As freelancer Completed 833 Projects of 89 country's 562 client's at various marketplaces since 2009. 🏅 Achieved Web Dev & Lead expert @Upwork /Level-2 seller badge at fiverr, Cert-4 seller badge at People Per Hour 🏅World domination of 71% country’s clients covered.

🏆🎁 GRAB Of Top Records during his Freelancing career

🏅Record-01 Fastest level 2 badge achievements at fiverr // just 33 days required after account opening) nb: legally (not by paid reviews)

🏅Record-02 Got most number of orders in one day(23 orders) 🏅Record-03 Got highest number of clients in 1 day(33 new clients at fiverr market) 🏅Record-04 Worked with top most different skilled in one marketplace(At Upwork market - total working skills is 20)

Minhazulasif’s 20 SKILLS & Expert levels ARE

🐾♥️🐾 Why Popular, Focus & Vision For The Followers & Himself

🐾 Minhazul Asif started helping the online learner via his youtube channel from 2013 and his channel getting popular day by day for web dev, wordpress, eCommerce, lead generation, Web research and data entry skill development

because, he always tried to make video on those contents which are not available for free and have marketplace demand and also have fewer number of freelancers, Day by day he was getting some good followers.

| 🐾 In 2016 he started mentoring and served at various multinational & local freelancing training institute as a successful & well reputates trainer & career advisor and gather huge fame and achieved popularity day by day for his helping and “Let all know for free” mentality.

When he started his own institute he was free from any pullback which had to faced during serving at other freelancing institute, because he always tried to show and give students more which took much time than expected and declared and may causes business loss of the institute,

Finally he leave all of the pull back and start teaching online with very poor course fees and sometimes for free. Its the era of Forming “CodemanBD” at just online.

| 🐾 Day by day his supporting and dedicated mentality speared out and within just 5.5 months he achieved 500 students and his reputation speared outside of the country too, Now at every batch from Australia, Canada, England, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq - lots of students are getting admitted.

| 🐾 The successful students make his platform better day by day and shared their success stories at his platform and they also start supporting the juniors to make minhazul asif offloaded and his awesome techniques automatically make the peoples crazy to provide supports to the juniors and the jrs. automatically keep appreciating the seniors on their success posts.

Thing is the successful students loved him very much and most of the time they wanted to show the world “What The One Man Army” did for them to make them successful freelancers, Overnight he directly provided client’s conversational support/ job related support/ give thousands dollar’s premium contents for free.

| 🐾Now a lots of success face are coming daily. 10-12 success is a simple matter now a days Really amused to see how allah help me to make 8-10 batches successful with a success ratio of 83% + (During a batch is ongoing), Till now he trained 900+ freelancers with a success ratio of 83.95% and most of the students are earning successfully with a great support of him. |

🏆 Minhazul Asif’s important role and quality to make his different from others :

🏅talented mentor

🏅Himself a experienced freelancer(950+ successful job completions)

🏅Great supportive mentality

🏅Strong Follow up of past students

🏅A skilled & dedicated teammates

🏅New era of support & motivation platform

🏅Everyday market research for new skills

🏅New course launch with lower course rate

🏅Reach mass people with quality course

🎉✨🎉 Let’s See How The Codeman Planned To Make All Of My Talents Successful :


  1. Always there are some issues which don’t have time to maintain these queue or take support from the community. So some have to come to me instantly like: Client is canceling this order, what should he do? , client ask me for this resources- Can i say “YES, I HAVE THIS”. I always welcome students to inbox me and call me directly. But I can handle 300 students for last few months. But now its 500 students community. So i need some supporting hands, which are those community.

🌹Codemanbd page & Group (fb/codemanbd) https://www.facebook.com/groups/codemanbd/

we actually boost our courses, events, free crash courses declare - with page events, and increase the awareness of freelancing program through our facebook page. We congratulate our newbies with this page (creating a quality video with himself, his goal, target, mission, vision.

🌹Automated Course Details & Course Purchase System https://www.codemanbd.com/

Our automated e-commerce website is simple. Just when a new course launched, we create a blog post on it with the whole course curriculum, every class’s contents and time details and also previous success of the course. So they can get a clear view with the course.

🌹Tutorial website: https://www.tutorials.codemanbd.com/

Our youtube channel has 1800+ videos & some students get confused from where he start ? easy and sequence wise contents with topic - video - google sheet - resources are provided for all for free / many covering contents from there without payment


~ CR : CLASS REPRESENTATIVES ~ CM: CONTENT MANAGER ~ TL: TECHNICAL LEADER ~ NK: NOTE KEEPER ~ GL: (Group Leaders) ~ AGL(Asst Group Leaders) These are the 6 position at which the whole class is made automated. Their different roles & responsibilities make the whole online platform easy, interactive and automated.

🌹 Premium Resources For Marketplaces Jobs

  1. Besides, we provide huge premium resources to all the students to perform better at marketplaces. These contents distributing system is also managed by google form and ensure fast handover to complete client’s job.
  • student apply to vault for contents & get in 4hrs max !

🌹 Dropped Out System for Scamper students

Minhazul Asif is really very strict on attendance and assignments and exams.

if anyone miss 2 consecutive class, s/he will be counted as dropped out. (Without informing/mailing me) Samely if you miss 2 consecutive assignment or late submit will cause dropped out (Without informing/mailing me) Project, preparation test, mid term, MCQ, performance bonus & FINAl examination carries 100 marks, And each have to pass the exam part by part and fail results dropped out and repayment. So it makes all students careful on each class and they complete all assignments timely which are the biggest resources of them to show their clients as portfolio and we manage a platform to showcase the portfolio(Behance/Freepik) from where you can be hired for just showcasing portfolios.

🌹 CodemanBD’s Most Reputed Premium Online Class Platform:

4, The paid ZOOM & CROWDCAST online class taking platform make each class clear, interactive and instant question answering, poll system, instant chat and screen invitation system make the class LIVE. And if the student present the class s/he will get a crystal clear 1080 p HD video which will go to his mail by that day (If he attend the class. No attendance - No Video). And this video help him to realize the class later at home.


To make sure success comes in the fastest way. Our Regular Crash program available for each & everyone can Join anytime as this is a continuous process for better improvement skilled & Professional Freelancer. Its dropped out system make them serious about marketplace. And we show some unique marketing, blogging, boosting way which are never found in any video of the world, And after the marketing in 4 days the account get boosted and start coming at first page which ensures more freelancing jobs quickly. This is quite surprising where others institute failed to bring their expected success as they fight for long but prevent with many obstructions. On the other hand, We CodemanBD enriching day by day. As our current success ratio over 94 %.


We are CodemanBD to Code your dream. Now the vision is, CodemanBD will be the best freelancing training institute and Online platform in the world and cores of new talents will make the successful road/path of earning and will be a great entrepreneur rather than serving to other institutes. Still I smiles, when a father start earning via freelancing, a baby smile and a family grow up with his earning

still I am happy of the students earn a lot and forget us ! Some is earning by us ! that's enough We Do all of these without thinking about :: getting any prize- appreciation - thanks - gift we do happily to make a people adopt enough for getting earning from anywhere - with a PC & Internet connection Only!

All of the people are tagged who work for us ! for students ! for people !

#Success_Ashbe #We_Create_Success #Cholche #Cholbe #ThisIsHowWePlay

♥️ CodemanBD ♥️ ♥️ Freelancing ♥️ Story Of A Proud Trainer, A proud entrepreneur 2000 students admission !

Intro & Achievements of entrepreneur "Minhazul Asif" & Recognition & Achievements & Progress Of Online Freelancing Education Platform CODEMANBD

Blog Writer: Minhazul Asif, Founder & Lead Instructor - CodemanBD, founder Of Zora IT, WebBattalion & Lead Scrapper, Co founder Of WE Affiliators

Achievements Of Minhazul Asif & CODEMANBD