List of Options - minervamaga/Diverse-Stardew-Valley GitHub Wiki

List of CONFIG.JSON options for this mod

This page contains the full list of options provided in the config.json of this mod. To navigate, use the table of contents below.

The Individual Toggle Options section lets you choose between the vanilla or Diverse Stardew Valley variants of each character, or turn off this mod for a character entirely (i.e., to use a separate mod instead of this one).

The Additional Options section contains detailed explanations of the various other options this mod includes. Some affect one character, while others affect a group.

Table of Contents

Individual Toggle Options
Additional Options

Individual Toggle Options

  • The images given here are meant to broadly represent each choice, and many characters' appearances can be further tweaked by choosing accessories, extra features, and more in the Additional Options section below. Additionally, every variant (except for characters you choose to turn off) has a full set of seasonal outfits.


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Abigail is mixed Chinese-Filipino; her mother Caroline is Filipino, and her father Pierre is Chinese. Both of her vanilla and modded variants can be either plus-sized or straight-sized.

The original modded straight-size version of Abigail was created by notsnufffie, the modded plus-size version was created by Lavender, and the vanilla plus-size version was created by Airyn based on Lavender’s work.

The vanillastraightsize option is Abigail’s vanilla variant.

Choices: "vanillastraightsize", "vanillaplussize", "moddedstraightsize", "moddedplussize", "off"

Vanilla straight size portrait Vanilla straight size character Modded straight size portrait Modded straight size character
vanillastraightsize moddedstraightsize
Vanilla plus size portrait Vanilla plus size character Modded plus size portrait Modded plus size character
vanillaplussize moddedplussize

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Alex has two Diverse Stardew Valley variants, along with his grandparents, George and Evelyn. He is either Samoan or Mexican, and his Samoan variant has an option for a traditional Samoan shoulder and chest tattoo in Additional Options.

The Samoan version of Alex was created by notsnufffie; the Mexican version was created by Lavender; Samoan Alex's tattoos were created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "latine", "samoan", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Latine portrait Latine character Samoan portrait Samoan character
vanilla latine samoan

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Caroline is Filipino; her daughter Abigail is mixed-race Chinese-Filipino.

The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Caroline was created by notsnufffie.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Clint has visual impairment and is legally blind; he uses a white cane and wears protective glasses. His modded variant has the option of facial scarring in Additional Options.

The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Clint was created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", “modded”, "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Demetrius has two variants: one is redesigned with a darker skintone and curly black hair, while the other uses the same redesigned hair and facial features but has albinism.

Both Diverse Stardew Valley versions of Demetrius were created by notsnufffie.

Choices: "vanilla", "moddeddarkskin", "moddedalbino", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded darker portrait Modded darker character Modded albino portrait Modded albino character
vanilla moddeddarker moddedalbino

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Elliott is Black and has long, cuffed dreadlocks and an ear piercing.

The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Elliott was created by notsnufffie.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Emily has two Diverse Stardew Valley variants, along with her sister Haley. She is either Black or Romani; both versions have natural hair dyed blue. Emily has the option of tattoos in Additional Options.

The Black variant of Emily was created by notsnufffie and Acerbicon, while the Romani variant was created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "black", "romani", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded Black portrait Modded Black character Modded Romani portrait Modded Romani character
vanilla black romani

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Evelyn has two Diverse Stardew Valley variants, along with her husband George and grandson Alex. She is either Samoan or Mexican.

Both the Samoan and the Mexican variants were created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "latine", "samoan", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded Latine portrait Modded Latine character Modded Samoan portrait Modded Samoan character
vanilla latine samoan

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George has two Diverse Stardew Valley variants, along with his wife Evelyn and grandson Alex. He is either Samoan or Mexican. George has the option of being bearded, clean-shaven, or seasonally bearded in Additional Options.

His Samoan variant was created by tenthousandcats, while the Mexican variant was created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "latine", "samoan", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded Latine portrait Modded Latine character Modded Samoan portrait Modded Samoan character
vanilla latine samoan

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Gunther is Afghan.

Gunther’s modded variant was created by Airyn.

[Note: DSV’s version of Gunther conflicts with SVE. If you use SVE, you must set Gunther to “off”.]

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Gus is Turkish.

Gus’s modded variant was created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Haley has two Diverse Stardew Valley variants, along with her sister Emily. She is either Black or Romani; Black Haley has dreadlocks while Romani Haley has dark curly hair. Haley has the option of facial piercings and hair cuffs in Additional Options.

The Black variant of Haley was created by notsnufffie and revised by Corrin, while the Romani variant was created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "black", "romani", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded Black portrait Modded Black character Modded Romani portrait Modded Romani character
vanilla black romani

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Harvey is Punjabi; one variant is Sikh and wears a turban and kirpan, while the other is not and has his hair uncovered.

The Sikh version of Harvey was created by notsnufffie and the non-Sikh variant by Acerbicon.

Choices: "vanilla", "moddedsikh", "moddednonsikh", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded Sikh portrait Modded Sikh character Modded Non-Sikh portrait Modded Non-Sikh character
vanilla moddedsikh moddednonsikh

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Jas is Afro-Latina Ecuadorian and lives with her aunt Marnie and godfather Shane, who are both Ecuadorian.

The DSV variant of Jas was created by tenthousandcats based on daeranilen’s work.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Jodi is Iranian and wears a hijab.

Jodi’s variant was created by tenthousandcats and her hijabs are by HopefulFox.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Kent is hard-of-hearing and wears a hearing aid; he also has a prosthetic leg.

The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Kent was created by SarahSyna.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla sprite Modded portrait Modded sprite
vanilla modded

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Krobus is a shadow person who dwells near humans and wears various pieces of human attire.

Choices: "modded", "off"

Modded portrait Modded sprite

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Leah has two Diverse Stardew Valley variants. She is either Native American or a butch, race-unspecified woman of colour.

Note: The original artist for Indigenous Leah did not specify a particular nation for Leah; the DSV team will be making adjustments in the future for better accuracy.

The Native American version of Leah was created by notsnufffie; the darker-skinned butch version of Leah was created by rubyquester and Lavender.

Choices: "vanilla", "native", "butch", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded indigenous portrait Modded indigenous character Modded butch portrait Modded butch character
vanilla native butch

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Lewis is Black.

Lewis’s modded variant was created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Linus has a seizure alert service dog, a golden retriever called Marigold. She is a very good girl.

Note: Linus doesn’t yet have dialogue about Marigold and she doesn't have festival dialogue. While not required, it is heavily recommended to install Custom NPC Exclusions by EscaMMC in order to avoid potential errors with Marigold being added as a potential message board requester and Winter Star secret gifter. As Marigold is a custom NPC, if you remove her from an existing save by removing DSV or changing Linus’s variant to "off" or "vanilla", you will get a warning from SMAPI. This can be safely ignored.

Linus’s modded variant makes edits to his heart events so that Marigold is present; if you use other mods that edit the same events, you can disable DSV’s edits for compatibility in Additional Options.

Marigold’s sprites and portrait were created by Airyn, and her dialogue was written by tenthousandcats.

Note: Marigold’s schedule may have conflicts with SVE. If you use SVE, you must set Linus to "off" or "vanilla".

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Marlon is Mongolian.

Marlon’s modded variant was created by Airyn.

Note: DSV’s version of Marlon conflicts with SVE. If you use SVE, you must set Marlon to "off".

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Marnie is Ecuadorian, along with her nephew Shane; her niece Jas is Afro-Latina Ecuadorian.

Marnie’s variant was created by hugbeam.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Maru is mixed-race Black and Asian; her father Demetrius is Black and her mother Robin is Vietnamese. She has two artistic styles.

The original variant for Diverse Stardew Valley was created by notsnufffie; another was created by Lavender.

If using notsnufffie’s variant, please check your spelling in the config.json! It has three f’s!

Choices: "vanilla", "moddedlavender", "moddednotsnufffie", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Lavender's modded portrait Lavender's modded character notsnufffie's modded portrait notsnufffie's modded character
vanilla moddedlavender moddednotsnufffie

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Morris does not have a Diverse Stardew Valley variant.

Note: DSV’s version of Morris conflicts with SVE. If you use SVE, you must set Morris to "off".

Choices: "vanilla", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Pam has a cleft lip and palate that has been surgically repaired.

Pam’s variant was created by fellowclown.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Penny has multiple variants available: one is mixed-race Black and white with natural coily hair, while the others are white. Penny is a transgender woman in all of her Diverse Stardew Valley variants and players in a heterosexual relationship with her will adopt children unless Pregnancy Role by kdau is installed.

The mixed-race variant of Penny was created by lezbo.ivy. The two white variants of Penny were created originally by notsnufffie and edited for better representation by Airyn; she has options for either a larger or smaller chest.

If using Airyn & notsnufffie’s variant, please check your spelling in the config.json! It has three f’s!

Choices: "vanilla", "mixed", "moddedairynnotsnufffielarge", "moddedairynnotsnufffiesmall", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded mixed portrait Modded mixed character
vanilla mixed
notsnufffie and Airyn's modded portrait with a larger chest notsnufffie and Airyn's modded character with a larger chest notsnufffie and Airyn's modded portrait with a smaller chest notsnufffie and Airyn's modded character with a smaller chest
moddedairynnotsnufffielarge moddedairynnotsnufffiesmall

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Pierre is Chinese; his daughter Abigail is mixed-race Chinese-Filipino.

Pierre’s variant was created by tenthousandcats.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Robin is Vietnamese, along with her son Sebastian. Her daughter Maru is mixed-race Black and Asian.

The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Robin was created by notsnufffie.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "disable"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Sam is mixed-race West Asian and white, like his brother Vincent; he has a lighter or a darker-skinned version to match his mother Jodi, who is Iranian. Sam is a transgender man in all of his Diverse Stardew Valley variants and players in a heterosexual relationship with him will adopt children unless Pregnancy Role by kdau is installed. He has options for a beard, stubble, facial piercings, a binder, and alternate eye colours in Additional Options.

Both modded versions of Sam were created by Airyn.

Choices: "vanilla", "moddedlighter", "moddeddarker ", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Lavender's modded portrait Lavender's modded character notsnufffie's modded portrait notsnufffie's modded character
vanilla moddedlighter moddeddarker

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Sandy is Indian and wears a hijab.

Sandy’s variant was created by Lavender.

Note: DSV’s version of Sandy conflicts with SVE. If you use SVE, you must turn off Sandy’s portraits in SVE’s config.json.

Choices: "modded", "vanilla", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Sebastian is Vietnamese like his mother, Robin. He has either a purple-haired or a black-haired version available. Sebastian has options for glasses and ear piercings available in Additional Options.

The purple-haired variant of Sebastian was created by notsnufffie, while the black-haired variant was created by tenthousandcats.

Choices: "vanilla", "moddedblack", "moddedpurple", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Lavender's modded portrait Lavender's modded character notsnufffie's modded portrait notsnufffie's modded character
vanilla moddedblack moddedpurple

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Shane is Ecuadorian, along with his aunt Marnie. Shane has options for different clothing styles available in Additional Options.

Shane’s variant was created by hugbeam.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Vincent is mixed-race West Asian and white, along with his brother Sam; his mother Jodi is Iranian.

Vincent’s modded variant was created by tenthousandcats based on daeranilen’s work.

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Willy has multiple variants available; he is either Tongan or white, with a prosthetic arm and leg.

The Tongan versions of Willy were created by Airyn. The prosthetics for Willy’s disabled variants were created by Wererat2000.

Choices: "vanilla", "disabled", "tongan", "tongandisabled", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded disabled portrait Modded disabled character
vanilla disabled
Modded Tongan portrait Modded Tongan character Modded Tongan and disabled portrait Modded Tongan and disabled character
tongan tongandisabled

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of the Witch is pale-skinned and has black hair with red tips. She also has a black slime familiar.

The modded version of the witch was created by StardewSpoonie.

Choices: modded, off

modded witch

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The Diverse Stardew Valley version of Wizard Rasmodius is Chinese. The Wizard has options for various mystical familiars and companions available in Additional Options.

The Wizard’s modded variant was created by DesertDove.

[Note: DSV’s version of the Wizard conflicts with SVE. If you use SVE, you must set the Wizard to “off”.]

Choices: "vanilla", "modded", "off"

Vanilla portrait Vanilla character Modded portrait Modded character
vanilla modded

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Additional Options


Description, options and preview

Enables maternity outfits for your wife while she is pregnant. If set to "true", the sprites will automatically change.

Choices: "true", "false"

Note: All variants except the butch Leah variant have maternity sprites. Penny does not have maternity sprites for any variants.`

vanilla, true: Abigail vanilla Emily vanilla Haley vanilla Leah vanilla Maru vanilla Maru hospital vanilla
modded, true: Abigail modded Emily modded Haley modded Leah Native Maru modded Maru hospital modded

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether other villagers besides Haley can be the Flower Queen. If false, Haley will wear the Flower Queen’s crown every year. If ‘everyone’ is chosen, all eligible townspeople will wear flower crowns.
Click the to reveal the details about the Flower Queen selection: If true, Haley will be the Flower Queen in the first year, but one of the bachelors or bachelorettes will be randomly selected as Flower Queen from Year 2 onwards. Jas and Vincent also have a chance of being selected as Flower Queen from Year 3 onwards.

The Random Flower Queen feature was inspired by the mod Random Flower Queen by candidus42 and included with permission. Please endorse their work!

Choices: "true", "false", "everyone"

Haley Random Flower Queen portrait Haley Random Flower Queen character Penny Random Flower Queen portrait Penny Random Flower Queen character
false true

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Description, options and preview

Chooses whether mermaids will have a random variety of skintones for their human half, a random variety of marine animal tails for their fish half, or both. If randomupper is chosen, the vanilla green fish tail will apply; if randomlower is chosen, the vanilla pale skin will apply; choosing randomboth will randomize both the mermaids' human halves and fish tails. This choice applies to all the mermaids in the game.

This feature is similar to Emyn's Diverse Mermaid Show, which you may prefer instead. If you do, please remember to endorse their work!

Choices: "randomboth", "randomupper", "randomlower", "off"

Mermaid top 1 Mermaid top 2 Mermaid top 3
Mermaid top 4
Mermaid tail 1 Mermaid tail 2 Mermaid tail 3 Mermaid tail 4


Description, options and preview

Chooses whether or not fiancés and spouses will wear a mermaid pendant in their portraits after getting engaged or married. The pendant may not always be visible depending on the outfit.

Choices: "true", "false"

Modded plus-size Abigail wearing a mermaid pendant Modded non-Sikh Harvey wearing a mermaid pendant


Description, options and preview

Changes Sikh Harvey and Modded Jodi’s gift tastes so that all alcoholic drinks are now a disliked item, to reflect the fact that alcohol is prohibited for Sikh and Muslim people. If you are using Custom Gift Dialogue Utility, they will have custom dialogue if gifted with alcohol. This change is enabled by default, but the option to disable it is included for compatibility with other mods.

Choices: "true", "false"


Description, options and preview

Chooses compatibility with Platonic Partners and Friendships by Amaranthacyan for the characters selected to be platonic; if PPAF is not installed, it can be safely ignored. Any characters selected will have the blush removed from their love portraits and will have a unique platonic outfit for PPAF’s commitment ceremony.

Choices: "Abigail", "Emily”, “Haley”, “Leah”, “Maru”, “Penny”, “Alex”, “Elliott”, “Harvey”, “Sam”, “Sebastian”, “Shane” [Note: To use multiple options, type the options you want separated by a comma - e.g. “Abigail, Harvey, Leah, Shane”. To use none, leave the space blank.]

Non-platonic Latine Alex's love portrait Platonic Latine Alex's love portrait Non-platonic Romani Haley's love portrait Platonic Romani Haley's love portrait
Abigail's commitment ceremony outfit Emily's commitment ceremony outfit Haley's commitment ceremony outfit Leah's commitment ceremony outfit Maru's commitment ceremony outfit Penny's commitment ceremony outfit
Alex's commitment ceremony outfit Elliott's commitment ceremony outfit Harvey's commitment ceremony outfit Sam's commitment ceremony outfit Sebastian's commitment ceremony outfit Shane's commitment ceremony outfit


Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Alex’s Samoan variant has traditional chest and shoulder tattoos. Does not affect vanilla or Latino Alex.

Choices: "notattoos", "tattoos"

Alex's portrait without tattoos Alex's character without tattoos Alex's portrait with tattoos Alex's character with tattoos
notattoos tattoos

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Clint’s modded variant has facial scars. Does not affect vanilla Clint.

Choices: "noscar", "scar"

Clint's portrait with no scar Clint's character with no scar Clint's portrait with a scar Clint's character with a scar

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Emily has brightly-coloured tattoos of daffodils, parrots, and the sign of Yoba. This option applies to all of Emily's variants.

Emily’s tattoos are an edited version of the mod Emily With Tattoos by elyk07 and included with permission.

Choices: "tattoos", "notattoos"

Black Emily with tattoos Romani Emily with tattoos Vanilla Emily with tattoos

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether George has a beard or is clean-shaven. The dynamic option makes him clean-shaven in spring and summer, with stubble in fall, and bearded in winter. This option applies to all of George's variants.

Choices: "beard", "nobeard", "dynamic"

George's portrait with a beard George's character with a beard George's portrait with no beard George's character with no beard
notattoos tattoos

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Haley wears hair cuffs, has nose and eyebrow piercings, and/or uses a black camera instead of her default brown camera. Hair cuffs are only available for the black Haley variant, but piercings and the black camera are available for all variants. Multiple options can be used together.

Choices: "blackcam", "cuffs", "piercings"

Note: To use multiple options, type the options you want separated by a comma - e.g. "cuffs, piercings". To use none, leave the space blank.

Haley's portrait with hair cuffs Haley's character with hair cuffs Haley's portrait with piercings
cuffs piercings (portrait only)
Haley's character with the default camera Haley's character with the modded black camera
vanilla camera (sprite only) blackcam (sprite only)

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether Haley’s photos in her 8-heart event have the same background as the vanilla game or a new seasonally-appropriate background. This option applies to all of Haley's variants.

Seasonal backgrounds are from the mod Haley 8-Heart Event - Updated Photos by IllogicalMoodSwing, included with permission.

Choices: "vanillabackground", "seasonalbackground"

Vanilla photo background Modded seasonal photo background
vanillabackground seasonalbackground

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether Linus’s service dog Marigold is visible in his heart events; this option only affects his modded variant. If you are using another mod that also edits Linus’s heart events, set LinusEventChanges to `"false"` to ensure compatibility.

Choices: "true", "false"

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether Maru’s character sprites in her vanilla and notsnufffie variants show her glasses; by default, her glasses are not visible.

Choices: "glasses", "noglasses"

Vanilla Maru's character without glasses Vanilla Maru's character with glasses notsnufffie's Maru's character without glasses notsnufffie's Maru's character with glasses
noglasses glasses noglasses glasses

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Description, options and preview Chooses what outfit Maru wears while working in the hospital. If ‘noscrubs’ is enabled, Maru will wear her vanilla white nurse uniform; if ‘scrubs’ is enabled, Maru will wear light grey, dark grey, or green scrubs, randomly selected each day. This option applies to all of Maru's variants.

Choices: "scrubs", "noscrubs"

Maru's green scrubs portrait Maru's green scrubs character
Maru's light blue scrubs portrait Maru's light blue scrubs character Maru's vanilla nurse outfit portrait Maru's vanilla nurse outfit character
Maru's dark blue scrubs portrait Maru's dark blue scrubs character
scrubs noscrubs

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Description, options and preview As vanilla Sam’s eyes are blue in his portrait but green in his sprites, Diverse Stardew Valley edits them to blue by default but offers an alternate option for green eyes. This is also available for Sam’s lighter modded variant, while an alternate dark blue option is available for his darker modded variant. A heterochromia option is also available, where his left eye is the default colour and his right is the alternate.

Choices: "default", "alternate", "heterochromia"

default alternate
vanilla Vanilla Sam's default eye color portrait Vanilla Sam's default eye color character Vanilla Sam's alternate eye color portrait Vanilla Sam's alternate eye color character
moddedlighter Modded lighter Sam's default eye color portrait Modded lighter Sam's default eye color character Modded lighter Sam's alternate eye color portrait Modded lighter Sam's alternate eye color character
moddeddarker Modded darker Sam's default eye color portrait Modded darker Sam's default eye color character Modded darker Sam's alternate eye color portrait Modded darker Sam's alternate eye color character

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Sam has a beard, stubble, and/or lip, ear, and eyebrow piercings. Multiple options can be used together. This option applies to all of Sam's variants.

Choices: "beard", "stubble", "piercings"

Note: To use multiple options, type the options you want separated by a comma - e.g. "piercings, stubble". To use none, leave the space blank.

Sam's portrait with a beard Sam's character with a beard Sam's portrait with stubble Sam's character with stubble Sam's portrait with piercings
beard stubble piercings (portrait only)

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Sam wears a tank-style binder, visible while swimming and at beach events. This option applies to all of Sam's variants.

Choices: "binder", "nobinder"

Sam's portrait with a binder Sam's character with a binder Sam's portrait without a binder Sam's character without a binder
binder nobinder

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether Sebastian wears a helmet when he rides his motorbike or not. This option applies to all of Sebastian's variants.

Choices: "helmet", "nohelmet"

Sebastian's portrait with a helmet Sebastian's character with a helmet Sebastian's portrait without a helmet Sebastian's character without a helmet
helmet nohelmet

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Sebastian wears glasses. If ‘dynamic’ is selected, he will only wear them in private.

Choices: "dynamic", "glasses", "noglasses"

Sebastian's portrait with glasses Sebastian's character with glasses

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Description, options and preview Chooses whether or not Sebastian has lip and ear piercings.

Choices: "piercings", "nopiercings"

Sebastian's portrait with piercings
piercings (portrait only)

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Description, options and preview Chooses how much care Shane takes in his appearance. This option applies to both of Shane's variants.

Choices: "neat", "messy", "dynamic"

"neat": Shane wears a variety of tidy outfits;

"messy": Shane mostly wears his worn-out Joja hoodie over different shirts; or

"dynamic": Shane changes from his 'messy' appearance to his "neat" appearance over time depending on story events.

Click the to reveal spoilers and specific details about the dynamic change: Prior to his 6-heart event, Shane will wear his 'messy' outfits. After his 6-heart event and between 0 and 7 hearts, Shane's outfits will be a 50/50 chance of "neat"/"messy". Between 8 and 14 hearts, before his 8-heart event, Shane's outfits will be a 70/30 chance of being "neat"/"messy". After his 8-heart event, Shane's outfits will be a 90/10 chance of being "neat"/"messy".
Shane's neat portrait 1 Shane's neat character 1 Shane's messy portrait 1 Shane's messy character 1
Shane's neat portrait 2 Shane's neat character 2 Shane's messy portrait 2 Shane's messy character 2
neat messy

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Description, options and preview Description: Chooses whether the Wizard Rasmodius has various spirit familiars that sit on his hat or shoulder. Three different categories of familiar are available: hat junimos, shoulder junimos, and spirit creatures. Multiple categories can be selected, although each category may also randomly draw a blank; thus even with all three selected, it is possible that no familiars will be present on any particular day. This option applies to both of the Wizard's variants, and it only applies to portraits.

Choices: "hatjunimos", "shoulderjunimos", "spiritcreatures"

Note: To use multiple options, type the options you want separated by a comma - e.g. "hatjunimos, shoulderjunimos". To use none, leave the space blank.

Wizard portrait with only hat junimo Wizard portrait with only shoulder junimo Wizard portrait with only spirit creatures
hatjunimos shoulderjunimos spiritcreatures

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