Getting started: local instance - minerva-ml/open-solution-toxic-comments GitHub Wiki


  1. Python 3.5
  2. Neptune


clone this repo to your working directory

$ git clone

create virtualenv with python 3.5

$ virtualenv toxic_venv -p python3.5

activate newly created virtualenv

$ source toxic_venv/bin/activate

install TensorFlow and Keras.

  • in case you have GPU
$ pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.1.0
$ pip3 install Keras==2.0.8
  • in case you do not have GPU
$ pip3 install tensorflow==1.1.0
$ pip3 install Keras==2.0.8

install remaining requirements (note that neptune is included in the requirements)

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Neptune setup

  • register on the neptune site to receive $5 in GPU time.
  • create neptune project
    • go to the neptune site and log in
    • create new project named toxic. To do it follow the link Projects (top bar, left side), then click New project button. This action will generate project-key TOX, which is already listed in the neptune_config.yaml.

log in to neptune via command line

$ neptune login

Create train and validation split

  • define paths in the neptune.yaml file
  data_dir: path/to/my/data/dir
  • run train test splitting script
neptune run -- train_valid_split

At this point you are ready to go! :-)