request - mindsers/yabf GitHub Wiki

Request (class)

export class Request {
  get pathname(): string | undefined
  get querystring(): ParsedUrlQuery
  get method(): HttpMethod
  get headers(): HttpHeaders
  get anchor(): string | undefined
  get body(): Promise<any>
  get isCORS(): boolean

  constructor(private httpRequest: HttpRequest)

  match(pattern: string): boolean


It's a wrapper for the Request objects from NodeJS API. The router will pass a Request to controllers' actions.


Create an instance of Request.

constructor(private httpRequest: HttpRequest)


  • httpRequest: the request to be wrapped


  • pathname: Readonly attribute to get the pathname
  • querystring: Readonly attribute to get the querystring as a ParsedUrlQuery
  • method: Readonly attribute to check the HTTP methods (or verbs)
  • headers: Readonly attribute to access to all headers entries in HTTP Request
  • anchor: Readonly atribute to get the current anchor
  • body: Readonly attribute to get the data used as body for the request
  • isCORS: Readonly attribute to doade a anadvz


# match()

Tests the resquest URL vs pattern.

match(pattern: string): boolean


  • pattern: a string pattern


A boolean. true if patern matches the URL, else false.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️