app config - mindsers/yabf GitHub Wiki

AppConfig (interface)

Represents the configuration options for a WebApplication.

interface IAppConfig {
  server: {
    port: number;
  cors?: {
    activated?: boolean;
    headers?: string[];
    origins: string[];
  assets?: {
    location: string;
  locales?: {
    list?: string[];
    default?: string;


You can inject a configuration object in your web application using the key APP_CONFIG. This object must follow this interfaces.


const app = WebApplication.createInstance()
const config: AppConfig = {
  server: {
    port: 3000
  locales: {
    default: 'de',
    list: ['en', 'de', 'fr']

app.provide({ provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: config })



  • server.port: (required) The port number listen by the server. Set to 8080 by default.
  • assests.location: The path where are stored your assets.
  • locales.list: Locale list supported by your application. Set to ['en'] by default.
  • locale.default: Primary locale of your application. Set to the first element of locales.list by default.
  • cors.activated: Set or unset the CORS support for your application. Set to true by default.
  • cors.headers: List of allowed headers.
  • List of allowed origins.
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