Timesheet Service - mikev-duff/duff_rails_springboard GitHub Wiki
This documents the steps taken to turn the Duff Springboard project into the Timesheet Service.
The Timesheet Service is intended to provide REST interfaces and maintain a database of time sheet entries for mobile client apps. A Timesheet entry consists of the following fields:
- user name
- project name
- task name
- date task was performed
- hours
- notes
The REST service allows for users to create, read, update, and delete their own entries; furthermore, an admin user has the capability to read entries for all users in order to analyze the data and/or create reports.
The motivation behind this project is to show how the Springboard project can be used to create and deploy a simple REST service; as well as to create something with some marginal utility. It uses scaffolding to quickly and easily create the service.
Generate Scaffolding
Fork or branch the duff_rails_springboard project
git clone [email protected]:mikev-duff/duff_rails_springboard.git
git checkout -b timesheet
Generate the Timesheet Entry scaffold
rails generate scaffold TimesheetEntry user_id:integer project_name:string task_name:string performed_on:date hours:float notes:text --no-test-framework
Migrate the database
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Start the server locally
rails s
At this point, users can sign up, and timesheet entries can be created, read, updated, and deleted at this URL:
For example, the JSON for the first timesheet entry can be found at:
Unfortunately, there is no authorization policy around accessing these entries (i.e., anyone can update anyone else's entries); fixing that is the focus of the next section.
Authorization Policy
The Springboard project already has authorization policies for User objects in app/controllers/user_controller.rb; the same mechanism will be used for the TimesheetEntry objects.
- add before_filters in the timesheet_entries_controller.rb
Deploy to Heroku
To create and push your project:
heroku create --stack cedar [appname]
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate
If you're working on a branch (for example, called 'timesheet'), you can push that branch:
git push heroku timesheet:master