PDO Support - mikespub/xaraya-core GitHub Wiki

Xaraya uses the Creole DB abstraction middleware. Some years ago that project ended, and its web site has since been removed. The code is still available on Sourceforge.

Nonetheless Creole has been a useful tool over time and generally gives no trouble. That said, at some point or other Xaraya needs to move on also. We have therefor recently added PDO support, and some time in the (far?) future Creole will be deprecated and eventually removed.

For installs after August 1, 2017 PDO can be enabled by changing the following line in var/config.system.php

$systemConfiguration['DB.Middleware'] = 'Creole';


$systemConfiguration['DB.Middleware'] = 'PDO';

For older installs that are updated to the latest code, one of the above lines needs to be added to var/config.system.php

PDO support is currently recommended only for development sites.

A current known bug is cases where dataobjects are serialized. This will fail, usually with a message that PDO objects cannot be serialized.