Ongoing minor changes - mikespub/xaraya-core GitHub Wiki
First push of autoload function to the core. Autoload (for now) is enabled if variable caching (in the var/cache/config.caching.php file) and dynamicdata caching (in the Dynamicdata backend) is enabled.
Added a modvar to switch dataobject caching on or off. The switch is a checkbox in the Dynamicdata back end. Required database change:
INSERT INTO `xar_module_vars`( `module_id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (9,'caching',0);
There is now support for flushing the cache_data table (used in dynamicdata caching) in the Themes backend along with the other cache controls.
The default behavior of Xaraya's mail module concerning images in emails is to embed them. There is now support in the mail module backend for turning this off, in which case the image source needs to be a valid URL.
PDO middleware should now be working throughout the core. You can change the middleware Xaraya uses to either "Creole" or "PDO" by editing config.system.php or through a dropdown in the base module backend page ModifyConfig -> Site Setup. For now, the PDO option is only implemented for MySQL databases.
The Xaraya core and core modules have been updated to be compatible with new PHP versions up to and including PHP 7.2. No guarantees for other modules, standalone properties and blocks for now.
The PHP code for installing core modules has been replaced by XML files which are transformed to generate database-specific SQL to create the database tables at installation. Longer term, the idea is to refactor the "tableddl" functionality to run with XML files and PDO.
Minor database changes to be run to be compatible with the latest version:
INSERT INTO `xar_module_vars`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('Site.BL.ExceptionDisplay','i:0;');
INSERT INTO `xar_module_vars`(`name`, `value`) VALUES ('Site.BL.ShowQueries','b:0;');
INSERT INTO `xar_module_vars`(`module_id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (8,'templcachepath','var/cache/templates');