Bridges with Xaraya - mikespub/xaraya-core GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

This contains various bridges between Xaraya and other PHP packages or framework components:

Logging (PSR-3)

External packages using a standard PSR-3 Logger can send messages to the xarLog loggers. Example: sending the audit trail of Symfony Workflow component to xarLog in the workflow module.

Requirement: some package depending on PSR-3 Logger Interface

$ composer require psr/log


 use Xaraya\Bridge\Logging\LoggerBridge;
 $logger = new LoggerBridge();
 // some package class expecting a logger compatible with LoggerInterface

For logging the other way around, i.e. from xarLog to PSR-3 logger, a new xarLogger class will need to be created.

Event Dispatcher (Symfony)

Interactions between Xaraya Event Management System (EMS) and Symfony EventDispatcher


$ composer require symfony/event-dispatcher

Event Subscriber (EventDispatcher -> Xaraya EMS)

Pass events from Symfony EventDispatcher via event subscriber to notify xarEvents or xarHooks and beyond


use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
//use Xaraya\Bridge\Events\EventSubscriber;
use Xaraya\Bridge\Events\HookSubscriber;
use Xaraya\Bridge\Events\DefaultEvent;

// subscriber bridge for events and/or hooks in your app
//$subscriber = new EventSubscriber();
$subscriber = new HookSubscriber();
//$eventlist = $subscriber::getSubscribedEvents();
//echo var_export($eventlist, true);
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

// create an event with $subject corresponding to the $args in xarEvents::notify()
$subject = ['module' => 'dynamicdata', 'itemtype' => 3, 'itemid' => 123];
$event = new DefaultEvent($subject);
// this will call xarHooks::notify('ItemCreate', $subject) and save any response in the subscriber
$dispatcher->dispatch($event, 'xarHooks.item.ItemCreate');
$responses = $subscriber->getResponses();

Observer Bridge (Xaraya EMS -> EventDispatcher)

Pass events from Xaraya xarEvents or xarHooks via observer bridge to Symfony EventDispatcher and beyond


use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Xaraya\Bridge\Events\EventObserverBridge;
use Xaraya\Bridge\Events\HookObserverBridge;

// get the event dispatcher we're going to bridge events to
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
// set up the event observer bridge to dispatch a few events
$eventbridge = new EventObserverBridge($dispatcher, ['Event']);
// set up the hook observer bridge to dispatch a few hooks
$hookbridge = new HookObserverBridge($dispatcher, ['ItemUpdate']);

// have an event subscriber show interest in a few events and/or hooks - see testers.php
$subscriber = new TestObserverBridgeSubscriber(['Event'], ['ItemUpdate']);
// and add it to the event dispatcher to see something happen

// trigger an event or hook call in Xaraya
$args = ['module' => 'dynamicdata', 'itemtype' => 3, 'itemid' => 123];
xarHooks::notify('ItemUpdate', $args);

// receive the event via the event dispatcher in the event subscriber

PSR-14 Event Listener Provider (WIP)

PSR-14 Listener Provider for ixarEventSubject and ixarHookSubject events - currently unused

Requirement: some package providing PSR-14 psr/event-dispatcher-implementation

$ composer require psr/event-dispatcher

Routing Library (FastRoute or Symfony)

Use a routing library like nikic/fast-route or symfony/routing as request mapper to Xaraya module GUI functions, data object UI methods, the REST API and GraphQL API.

Requirement: (already required for Xaraya REST API)

$ composer require nikic/fastroute


// use some routing bridge
use Xaraya\Bridge\Routing\RoutingBridge;
use xarServer;

$path = xarServer::getVar('PATH_INFO') ?? '/';
$method = xarServer::getVar('REQUEST_METHOD');

// get a simple router to work with yourself, possibly in a group
// $router = RoutingBridge::getSimpleRouter('/mysite');
// [$handler, $params] = $router->match($path, $method);
// ... adapt handler and call with params ...

// or let the routing bridge handle the request itself and return the result
$bridge = new RoutingBridge();
[$result, $context] = $bridge->dispatchRequest($method, $path, '/mysite');
$bridge->output($result, $context);

// or let it really do all the work here...
// $bridge->run('/mysite');

HTTP Server Request (PSR-7)

Re-usable traits for both PSR-7 Server Requests and standard PHP Server API (SAPI) using superglobals ($_SERVER, $_GET etc.): parse or build URI paths, run GUI or API requests for modules, data objects, blocks, ...

Requirement: when not using the standard Server API with superglobals, some package providing PSR-7 psr/http-message-implementation and PSR-17 psr/http-factory-implementation, for example nyholm/psr7 or guzzlehttp/psr7

$ composer require nyholm/psr7 nyholm/psr7-server


use Xaraya\Bridge\Requests\CommonBridgeTrait;

class MyRequestHandler
    use CommonBridgeTrait;

     * This can handle both a PSR-7 server $request or (= null) standard Server API request using superglobals
    function handleRequest($request = null)
        $server = static::getServerParams($request);
        $query = static::getQueryParams($request);
        // ...

Middleware and Request Handler (PSR-15)

PSR-15 compatible middleware controllers to handle Module requests with xarMod::guiFunc() or DataObject requests with DataObjectUserInterface() as part of a middleware pipeline or request handler.

Requirement: some package providing PSR-7 psr/http-message-implementation and PSR-17 psr/http-factory-implementation, for example nyholm/psr7 or guzzlehttp/psr7

$ composer require nyholm/psr7 nyholm/psr7-server

Requirement: some framework or package capable of dispatching PSR-7 server requests to PSR-15 Middleware, for example middlewares/utils for testing purposes

$ composer require middlewares/utils


// use some PSR-7 factory and PSR-15 dispatcher
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Nyholm\Psr7Server\ServerRequestCreator;
use Middlewares\Utils\Dispatcher;
// use Xaraya PSR-15 compatible middleware(s)
use Xaraya\Bridge\Middleware\DefaultMiddleware;
use Xaraya\Bridge\Middleware\DataObjectMiddleware;
use Xaraya\Bridge\Middleware\ModuleMiddleware;

// get server request from somewhere
$psr17Factory = new Psr17Factory();
$requestCreator = new ServerRequestCreator($psr17Factory, $psr17Factory, $psr17Factory, $psr17Factory);
$request = $requestCreator->fromGlobals();

// the Xaraya PSR-15 middleware here
$objects = new DataObjectMiddleware($psr17Factory);
$modules = new ModuleMiddleware($psr17Factory);

// some other middleware before or after...
$filter = function ($request, $next) {
    // @checkme strip baseUri from request path and set 'baseUri' request attribute here?
    $request = DefaultMiddleware::stripBaseUri($request);
    $response = $next->handle($request);
    return $response;
// ...
$notfound = function ($request, $next) {
    $response = $next->handle($request);
    $path = $request->getUri()->getPath();
    $response->getBody()->write('Nothing to see here at ' . htmlspecialchars($path));
    return $response;

$stack = [
    // Warning: we never get here if there's an object to be handled
    // Warning: we never get here if there's a module to be handled

// dispatch the request
$response = Dispatcher::run($stack, $request);
// emit the respone

Middleware and Routing Combined

Integration of the routing library into a single PSR-15 middleware or request handler capable of handling all PSR-7 Module, DataObject, Block, REST API, GraphQL, Routes, ... server requests.

Requirement: some package providing PSR-7 psr/http-message-implementation and PSR-17 psr/http-factory-implementation, for example nyholm/psr7 or guzzlehttp/psr7

$ composer require nyholm/psr7 nyholm/psr7-server


// use some PSR-7 factory
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Nyholm\Psr7Server\ServerRequestCreator;
// use Xaraya PSR-15 compatible request handler + middleware
use Xaraya\Bridge\Middleware\DefaultMiddleware;
use Xaraya\Bridge\Middleware\FastRouteHandler;

// get server request from somewhere
$psr17Factory = new Psr17Factory();
$requestCreator = new ServerRequestCreator($psr17Factory, $psr17Factory, $psr17Factory, $psr17Factory);
$request = $requestCreator->fromGlobals();

// the Xaraya PSR-15 request handler + middleware here
$fastrouted = new FastRouteHandler($psr17Factory);

// handle the request directly, or use as middleware
$response = $fastrouted->handle($request);

// emit the respone

Non-blocking HTTP Server (ReactPHP)

Non-blocking HTTP servers like ReactPHP HttpServer, AMPHP http-server, RoadRunner etc. typically start by loading the web application once, and then work to handle each [request -> response] in an asynchronous non-blocking I/O loop. This has the potential to significantly increase concurrent requests handled, but only if the overall web application and the individual request handler are well-suited for it.

Xaraya hasn't been designed with this architecture in mind (in fact it didn't exist back then), but the combined request handler above has the potential to be used here at least in some cases, e.g. where sessions and authentication are not required. Please note that this is very much in the experimental stage, and that there are still many stateful variables and blocking calls left over in the normal request handling process.

Requirement: with ReactPHP for example

$ composer require react/http
$ cp html/lib/xaraya/bridge/reactphp.php developer/bin/react.php


$ php developer/bin/react.php
Listening on

Twig Template Engine

Xaraya has been using Blocklayout for templates since the early days. This bridge allows you to use Twig-based templates to generate output in Xaraya if needed, with a number of Xaraya-specific extensions.


$ composer require xaraya/twig

Usage for site setup:

The Twig bridge has been integrated into the template system, so all you need to do is tell Xaraya to use it :-)

In index.php:


    // Get context of the request if available
    $context = $request->getServerContext()?->getContext();
    // Use Twig templates with Xaraya - install xaraya/twig package with composer first
    /** un-comment the next line to activate Twig templates */
    $context['twig'] = true;


Enjoy :-)