Rails for Zombies 1 3 The View - mikesabat/LR_HF GitHub Wiki
ERB stands for Embedded Ruby. These pages allow you to put Ruby into HTML so the page can process logic. There are two new tags with erb.
- <% ... &> -- the less than percent tag will evaluate the contents as Ruby.
- <%= ... %> -- the less than percent equals tag will evaluate the contents as Ruby and then print the result to the page.
Common elements of the page should go into a file at /app/views/layouts/application.html.erb. By doing this, you won't need to put headers and common elements into every page (DRY). In the layout, when it calls for the individual page to run, use <%= yield %>
In the layout, <%= stylesheet_link_tag :all %> will tell rails to use all of the stylesheets with are located in the /public/stylesheets folder. For any address entered into your domain. The first thing rails does is check the public directory to see if the page exists.
<%= link_to link.text, link.path %> <%= link_to tweet.zombie.name, zombie_path(tweet.zombie) %>
OR We can make this easier.
<%= link_to link.text, object.to.show %> <%= link_to tweet.zombie.name, tweet.zombie %>
link_to is a helper method.
Look in the source - git clone http://github.com/rails/rails.git search 'def link_to' to look up the link_to helper method.
railsapi.com - rails searchable API doc. Also downloadable.
<% tweets = Tweet.all %>
<% tweets.each do |tweet| %>
<%= link_to tweet.status, tweet %> <%= link_to tweet.zombie.name, tweet.zombie %> <% end %><%= link_to "Edit", edit_tweet_path(tweet) %>
<%= link_to "Delete", tweet :method => :delete %>
List all tweets tweets_path /tweets
New tweet new_tweet_path /tweets/new
Show a tweet tweet /tweets/1
Edit a tweet edit_tweet_path /tweets/1/edit
Delete a tweet tweet, :method => :delete /tweets/1