Things to do in Seattle - mikedterada/Main GitHub Wiki

In seattle

Stay away from pike/3rd area at night.

You're pretending to have culture

  • MOHAI : Museum of something. The wooden boat museum is next door to it but I know nothing about it.
  • Seattle Art Museum : Fancy people
  • Museum of popular culture


Museum of flight

You really like wine

You really like IPAs

  • Every bar in the city


  • Spheres
  • In general the campus is pretty boring but if you go during the week to Day 1 you can visit the dog park that's outside.
  • Amazon Go : Get the app, visit a store and buy stuff without a checkout line.

Ride the ferries

Seattle Ferries. Just make sure you check your return time!

Mariners or Seahawks game

Mariners games are relatively cheap, the seahawks games are not

Ride the ducks

Don't do this. These things are super dangerous.


... I don't actually do this but some people do.


  • Tulip Festival April : Go during the week, the traffic is THE WORST.
  • Whale watching : TBD
  • Orca watching : TBD