DavFS - mikedeboer/jsDAV GitHub Wiki
The DavFSv2 client
Connecting on the command line
- Provided it is installed and everything
- Enter :
mount -t davfs http://urltoyourwebdavserver mymountpoint
Implementor notes
DavFS seems to be the best (popular) WebDAV implementation. DavFS requires A Class 2 server, otherwise it will go into read-only mode. It is possible to go into a read-write mode without a Class 2 server, by specifying the nolocks option.
By default DavFSv2 will do lots of buffering and caching. This means that even though a user has written to a file locally, it can take a while before the changes actually show up on the server. This can be quite confusing when working in teams.
Protocol Details
The user-agent I got was davfs2/1.1.2 neon/0.26.2
The client makes use of lock-null requests. This basically means it will lock
non-existant resource before it starts writing them. Very annoying!
DavFSv2 asks for the following properties from the DAV: namespace
- displayname
- getetag
- getcontentlength
- creationdate
- getlastmodified
- resourcetype
And from the http://apache.org/dav/props/
xml namespace
- executable
Based on the original document at http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/DavFS