Logitech RightSight Basic Install - mikedebarra/Logitech GitHub Wiki
** Logitech RightSight Basic Install**
If you’re not familiar with Logitech RightSight, it finds human figures within the camera’s field of view and automatically pans, tilts, and zooms to comfortably frame everyone in the meeting. By focusing on people rather than the empty space around them, RightSight makes eye contact and engagement feel easy and natural for more productive meetings.
To Learn more, check out the Logitech RightSense Video on Logitech’s youtube page https://www.youtube.com/embed/-xGIqpPOyXs
Our team has made it easy to enable RightSight for your Logitech Meetup cameras with a set of commands that can be easily deployed with your own Device Management Tools. The installer features standard switches that will allow you to deploy on a global scale.
RightSight is packaged in a firmware update for Meetup that will update your Logitech Meetup to the latest available version as well as enabling the auto-framing.
Here is a set of basic command line arguments that you can run or easily package into your preferred endpoint management tools to update your Meetup Firmware and Install Rightsight. It is recommend you run these commands, or command prompt, using elevated/admin privileges.
Before you run the update, it is recommended you shut down any meeting apps that may use the camera. In Windows, this can be easily achieved by running taskkill commands with the associated .exe for the application.
Taskkill -> kills the task specified
/f -> forces this command even if the task is running
/im -> Allows you to specify the /exe name rather than the Process ID
SkypeForBusiness: taskkill /f /im lync.exe
- Zoom: taskkill /f /im zoom.exe
- ZoomRooms: taskkill /f /im zoomrooms.exe
- Cisco Jabber: taskkill /f /im CiscoJabber.exe
- MS Teams: taskkill /f /im teams.exe
- Skype: taskkill /f /im skype.exe
- SkypeForBusiness: taskkill /f /im lync.exe
- Skype Room System: taskkill /f /im Microsoft.SkypeRoomSystem.exe
For Skype Room System or Microsoft Teams, you will need to reboot the system after process is complete.
If you run multiple meeting tools, You can group the commands in a PowerShell script and run this via your device management tool before you run the update.
There are two steps to silently install RightSight for MeetUp and update MeetUps firmware. Below are the steps and options you have during the silent installation process. Step One There are three options to enable RightSight at the time of installation: ● FWUpdateMeetup.exe /rs-dynamic=1 /S ○ This will silently install the MeetUp firmware updater, and set RightSight to Dynamically keep participants in the frame. ● FWUpdateMeetup.exe /rs-ocs=1 /S ○ This will silently install the MeetUp firmware updater, and activate RightSight to Autoframe the participants on Call Start, or when the user clicks the Home button on the meetup remote control. ● FWUpdateMeetup.exe /rs-off=1 /S ○ This will silently install the MeetUp firmware updater, but not activate RightSight. Step Two After the software has been installed, the MeetUp firmware can be updated silently with the following command. ● \ProgramFiles(x86)\Common Files\LogiShrd\LogiFirmwareUpdateTool-MeetUp\FWUpdateMeetUp.exe -silentupdate -ForceUpdate After installing the firmware the USB device will reset and you will be ready to go.
To remove RightSight for PTZ control only via the Meetup Remote You can find and execute the following command: C:\Program Files\Logitech\Collaboration\Services\VideoCameraServiceUnInst.exe Running this application will uninstall the Logitech camera services