Hadoop Streaming Emulator for Python - mikec964/chelmbigstock GitHub Wiki
Hadoop Stream Emulator for Python has moved to https://github.com/hideki1234/pyhdemu
Hadoop Streaming Emulator for Python is a command line program which emulates the behavior of Hadoop when you'd run Python scripts as a mapper and a reducer. With this emulator, you can debug your mapper and reducer in Python before you actually run them on Hadoop.
- Python 2.7, 3.3, or 3.4
(Make sure what version of Python is running on your target Hadoop platform.)
The emulator consists of files below:
- hdemu.py
- hseexceptions.py
- TextInputFormat.py
- TextOutputFormat.py
- aggregate.py
Copy these three files from mikec964/chelmbigstock/emulator to your local directory. These files should be in the same directory.
From command prompt, run
python install_dir\hdemu.py -input input_data -output output_dir -mapper python_mapper -reducer python_reducer
> python ..\emulator\hdemu.py -input data -output output_dir -mapper wc_mapper.py -reducer wc_reducer.py
Command line parameters
parameter | required? | description |
-input input_data_or_dir |
required | Input data or directory. If a directory is specified, all files in the directory are used as input |
-output output_dir |
required | Output directory. The emulator creates the directory and stores result in it. If it already exists, the emulator returns error |
-mapper python_script |
required | Python script for mapper |
-reducer python_script |
required | Python script for reducer. If aggregate is specified, the built-in aggregator is used. |
-interim interim_dir |
optional | If specified, interim results (mapper input/output, reducer input/output) are saved in the directory. If the directory already exists, the emulator returns error. If the option is not specified, the interim results are deleted. |
-cmdenv envvar=value |
optional | Provide an environment variable to pass to mapper/reducer. To provide multiple environment variables, each variable must be preceded by -cmdenv . |
-files path1[,path2,...] |
optional | Specify comma-separated files to be copied to the emulator's working directory |
- the
reducer supportsLongValueSum
, andLongValueMin
A sample mapper/reducer is in the emulator\sample directory. It contains
file name | description |
readme.txt | About the sample |
wc_mapper.py | sample mapper script |
wc_reducer.py | sample reducer script |
input | data directory |
steps to run the sample
- Copy the entire 'emulator' directory including the subdirectory (this directory) to a work directory
- In command prompt, go to the sample directory you just copied.
- Run the command below:
> python ..\hdemu.py -input input -output output -mapper wc_mapper.py -reducer wc_reducer.py
- When the command finished, make sure the 'output' directory is created. Check out the contents.
A mapper/reducer script must start with the line
#!/usr/bin/env python
This is necessary to run your mapper/reducer on an actual Hadoop environment. The emulator works fine without the line, though.
Hadoop doesn't pass a key to a Python mapper. It passes a value only. The value is a line of input files.
The format of mapper output must be key + TAB + value
. In a Python string literal, 'key\tvalue'
After the mapper finishes, Hadoop puts together key-value pairs from the mapper and sort them by 'key'. For example, if the mapper returns <key, value> pairs
<one, 1> <two, 1> <three, 1> <two, 1> <three, 1> <four, 1> <three, 1> <four, 1> <four, 1> <four, 1>
Hadoop sorts them like
<four, 1> <four, 1> <four, 1> <four, 1> <one, 1> <three, 1> <three, 1> <three, 1> <two, 1> <two, 1>
A Python reducer receives a key-value pair one by one in the order sorted by Hadoop. The format is the same as mapper output (key + TAB + value
). It is guaranteed that the pairs with the same key are delivered to a single reducer.
The format must be the same as mapper (key + TAB + value