Home - mikec964/chelmbigstock GitHub Wiki
We are the Data Analytics subgroup of the Chelmsford, MA Technical Skills Share Group (TSSG). We're a group of professionals in the Chelmsford area learning Big Data, Hadoop and Machine Learning. We meet weekly and work through various hands-on projects. Earlier project notes are attached to the Data Analytics section of the TSSG members-only wiki.
We meet during the TSSG general meeting every Wednesday at the Acton or Chelmsford (4th Wed. of month) Library for a status meeting. We have working meetings every Friday, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, at the Acton library. ... Updated October 2017.
We have studied Natural Language Processing and have a github project and NLP wiki.
Things We've Learned
We've worked through the IBM Big Insights tutorial. We have the data files and virtual machines available.
If people want to learn about the machine learning used in the stock analysis they should go to The Coursera Machine Learning Class. All they need to know will be in the first 3 weeks of lectures.
- We're using Markdown for our docs. Markdown and GitHub Favored Markdown
- Learning Git
- Learning Python
- Learning IDEs
- Learning Testing
- Learning Hadoop
- Raspberry Pi
- Mac Python Environment
- Learning on Kaggle and Jupyter and Twitter project
- Here's a set of keyboard shortcuts for Bash
- Bash shell shortcuts
- Verifying downloaded files
- There are three ways to verify the integrity of a downloaded file. You can use a PGP key (.asc), MD5 hash (.md5) (insecure but common), or SHA hash (.sha). http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi#verify
- How to check an MD5 hash on a file
- md5sum and sha1sum for Mac OS