Building the project - mihaly044/streamscraper GitHub Wiki

Building the project

Prebuilt binaries

If you do not wish to build the project yourself, you may download the prebuilt binary v1.1.0-rc.


On Linux systems, run quick-build:

chmod +x ./quick-build
./quick-build -v=version

Specifying a version is optional. The build script only uses the version parameter for naming packed tar.gz releases.

Find the built and packed executeables for each specified target platform under <Project root>/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2/packed/


Build from Visual Studio 2017, or use the dotnet CLI tool as follows:

dotnet publish -c Release --runtime win-x86

Find the built and packed executeables for each specified target platform under <Project root>/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2/win-x86/publish

Targeting other platforms

See Microsoft's RID catalog for other runtime specifications.