Session 3: Playing the game - miguelriemoliveira/rws2016_moliveira GitHub Wiki

Download other player's code

To use the other players code, we need to:

  1. git clone all the reps
  2. git pull all the reps (periodically)

There is a script in the repository rws2016_moliveira that does this automatically.

That means you have to git clone rws2016_moliveira mannualy

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2016
git clone

and then just call the script

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2016/rws3026_moliveira
./ clone

Will clone the reps from everyone

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2016/rws3026_moliveira

Will pull all the reps

To compile, you know

cd ~/catkin_ws

Change your node name

This is important because we will use a function that looks into the name. Before it was like this

ros::init(argc, argv, "player_moliveira_node");

and now it should be

ros::init(argc, argv, "moliveira");

Initialize teams from rosparams

Ros parameters are variables that are shared by several ros nodes. Parameters are used mainly for initialization purposes.

Parameters can be written / read using the command line, can be loaded form a file, created by a ros node, etc.

Check for details

In our case we will use the file


contains all the parameters required for the game (created from the link on the 7th March).

we will use a ros package that contains a library with a single function.

The package is called rws2016_libs

In the package.xml, you should add


and in the CMakeLists.txt you should add

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS

Using the information of distance and angle, make an (intelligent) decision for the next movement.

Subscribe to GameMove message

A custom message is created in the rws2016_msgs package called GameMove (you do not need to do this)

Header header
float32 cheetah
float32 dog
float32 cat
float32 turtle

Before starting the game, each player will choose an animal. This choice may be hard coded in your player node.

The referee node will continuously publish messages of type GameMove on topic /game_move, every time attributing to the four animals random values between 0 and 1.

Upon receiving a /game_move message (and only at this time), the player may move.

Player movements have the following rules / constraints

  1. A player cannot turn less than -pi/30 or more than pi/30 (already coded on session 2).

  2. A player cannot displace more that the value of his chosen animal (to be implemented)

Receive a custom message which triggers a movement and provides the delta for three different profiles.

A player complete code

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <tf/transform_listener.h>
#include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
//#include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>

#include <rws2016_libs/team_info.h>
#include <rws2016_msgs/GameMove.h>

using namespace std;

 * @brief The namespace of my player
namespace rws2016_moliveira

     * @brief Contains a description of a game player
    class Player

             * @brief The cosntructor
             * @param name the name of the player
            Player(string name) {this->name = name;}

             * @brief Sets the team to which the player belongs
             * @param team_index 0,1 or 2 for teams red, green and blue respectively
             * @return 
            void setTeamName(int team_index = 0 /*default value*/)
                switch (team_index)
                    case 0: 
                        setTeamName("red"); break;
                    case 1: 
                        setTeamName("green"); break;
                    case 2: 
                        setTeamName("blue");  break;
                        cout << "wrong team index given. Cannot set team" << endl; break;
             * @brief Overloaded method to set team name
             * @param team a string with the team name
            void setTeamName(string team)
                if (team=="red" || team=="green" || team=="blue")
                    this->team = team;
                    cout << "cannot set team name to " << team << endl;

            double getDistance(Player& p)
                //computing the distance 
                string first_refframe = name;
                string second_refframe =;

                ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); //To allow the listener to hear messages
                tf::StampedTransform st; //The pose of the player
                    listener.lookupTransform(first_refframe, second_refframe, ros::Time(0), st);
                catch (tf::TransformException& ex){

                tf::Transform t;

                double x = t.getOrigin().x();
                double y = t.getOrigin().y();

                double norm = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
                return norm;


            double getAngle(string player_name)
                //computing the distance 
                string first_refframe = name;
                string second_refframe = player_name;

                ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); //To allow the listener to hear messages
                tf::StampedTransform st; //The pose of the player
                    listener.lookupTransform(first_refframe, second_refframe, ros::Time(0), st);
                catch (tf::TransformException& ex){

                tf::Transform t;

                double x = t.getOrigin().x();
                double y = t.getOrigin().y();

                double angle = atan2(y,x);
                return angle;


             * @brief returns the team to which the player belongs
             * @return a string with the team name
            string getTeamName(void) {return team;}

             * @brief Gets the pose (calls updatePose first)
             * @return the transform from map to the /moliveira local reference frame
            tf::Transform getPose(void)
                ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); //To allow the listener to hear messages
                tf::StampedTransform st; //The pose of the player
                    listener.lookupTransform("/map", name, ros::Time(0), st);
                catch (tf::TransformException& ex){

                tf::Transform t;
                return t;

             * @brief the name of the player
            string name; 

             * @brief The name of the team
            string team;

             * @brief the transform listener object
            tf::TransformListener listener; //reads tfs from the ros system

     * @brief Contains a list of all the players on a team
    class Team

             * @brief Constructor
             * @param team the team name
             * @param player_names a list with the name of all the players on the team
            Team(string team, vector<string>& player_names)
                name = team; 

                //Cycle all player names, and create a class player for each
                for (size_t i=0; i < player_names.size(); ++i)
                    //Why? Copy constructable ...
                    boost::shared_ptr<Player> p(new Player(player_names[i]));


             * @brief Prints the name of the team and the names of all its players
            void printTeamInfo(void)
                cout << "Team " << name << " has the following players:" << endl;

                for (size_t i=0; i < players.size(); ++i)
                    cout << players[i]->name << endl;

             * @brief The team name
            string name;

             * @brief A list of Players
            vector<boost::shared_ptr<Player> > players;

     * @brief MyPlayer extends class Player, i.e., there are additional things I can do with MyPlayer and not with any Player, e.g., to order a movement.
    class MyPlayer: public Player

             * @brief The transform publisher object
            tf::TransformBroadcaster br;

             * @brief The teams
            boost::shared_ptr<Team> my_team;
            boost::shared_ptr<Team> hunter_team;
            boost::shared_ptr<Team> prey_team;

            boost::shared_ptr<ros::Subscriber> _sub; 

             * @brief Constructor
             * @param name player name
             * @param team team name
            MyPlayer(string name, string team): Player(name)
            ros::NodeHandle node;

            //Initialize teams
            vector<string> myTeam_names, myHunters_names, myPreys_names;
            string myTeamId, myHuntersId, myPreysId;

            if (!team_info(node, myTeam_names, myHunters_names, myPreys_names, myTeamId, myHuntersId, myPreysId))
                ROS_ERROR("Something went wrong reading teams");
            my_team = (boost::shared_ptr<Team>) new Team(myTeamId, myTeam_names);
            hunter_team = (boost::shared_ptr<Team>) new Team(myHuntersId, myHunters_names);
            prey_team = (boost::shared_ptr<Team>) new Team(myPreysId, myPreys_names);


            //Initialize position according to team
            ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); //sleep to make sure the time is correct
            tf::Transform t;
            //srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // To start the player in a random location
            struct timeval t1;      
            gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
            double X=((((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) ) * 2 -1) * 5 ;
            double Y=((((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) ) * 2 -1) * 5 ;
            t.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(X, Y, 0.0) );
            tf::Quaternion q; q.setRPY(0, 0, 0);
            br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(t, ros::Time::now(), "/map", name));

            //initialize the subscriber
            _sub = (boost::shared_ptr<ros::Subscriber>) new ros::Subscriber;
            *_sub = node.subscribe("/game_move", 1, &MyPlayer::moveCallback, this);


             * @brief Moves MyPlayer
             * @param displacement the liner movement of the player, bounded by [-0.1, 1]
             * @param turn_angle the turn angle of the player, bounded by  [-M_PI/30, M_PI/30]
            void move(double displacement, double turn_angle)
                //Put arguments withing authorized boundaries
                double max_d =  1; 
                displacement = (displacement > max_d ? max_d : displacement);

                double min_d =  -0.1; 
                displacement = (displacement < min_d ? min_d : displacement);

                double max_t =  (M_PI/30);
                if (turn_angle > max_t)
                    turn_angle = max_t;
                else if (turn_angle < -max_t)
                    turn_angle = -max_t;

                //Compute the new reference frame
                tf::Transform t_mov;
                t_mov.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(displacement , 0, 0.0) );
                tf::Quaternion q;
                q.setRPY(0, 0, turn_angle);

                tf::Transform t = getPose();
                t = t  * t_mov;

                //Send the new transform to ROS
                br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(t, ros::Time::now(), "/map", name));

            string getNameOfClosestPrey(void)
                double prey_dist = getDistance(*prey_team->players[0]);
                string prey_name = prey_team->players[0]->name;

                for (size_t i = 1; i < prey_team->players.size(); ++i)
                    double d = getDistance(*prey_team->players[i]);

                    if (d < prey_dist) //A new minimum
                        prey_dist = d;
                        prey_name = prey_team->players[i]->name;

                return prey_name;

             * @brief called whenever a /game_move msg is received
             * @param msg the msg with the animal values
            void moveCallback(const rws2016_msgs::GameMove& msg)
                ROS_INFO("player %s received game_move msg", name.c_str()); 

                //I will encode a very simple hunting behaviour:
                //1. Get closest prey name
                //2. Get angle to closest prey
                //3. Compute maximum displacement
                //4. Move maximum displacement towards angle to prey (limited by min, max)

                //Step 1
                string closest_prey = getNameOfClosestPrey();
                ROS_INFO("Closest prey is %s", closest_prey.c_str());

                //Step 2
                double angle = getAngle(closest_prey);

                //Step 3
                double displacement =; //I am a cat, others may choose another animal

                //Step 4
                move(displacement, angle);



} //end of namespace rws2016_moliveira

 * @brief The main function
 * @param argc number of command line arguments
 * @param argv values of command line arguments
 * @return result
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    //initialize ROS stuff
    ros::init(argc, argv, "moliveira");
    ros::NodeHandle node;

    //Creating an instance of class MyPlayer
    rws2016_moliveira::MyPlayer my_player("moliveira", "red");

    //Infinite loop

Start hunting ... or fleeing?

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️