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Instructions for the Ros Workshop 2016. Miguel Oliveira, Vitor Santos. February / March 2016.
In this workshop each participant will develop his own software module. Each module represents a player which will play a game according to the code written by the participant.
The game is called Team Hunt. Check here for a description of the game
Only the stuff I remember right now ...
- Creating ROS packages, nodes and libraries, compiling and running them
- Using ROS based communications, publish / subscribe, server / response
- Using ROS launch file scripts to ease the startup of complex systems
- Using ros parameters to configure the nodes
- Creating custom messages
- Using RVIZ and publishing visualization markers
- Visualizing the ROS nodes and the topics they are exchanging
- Using the ROS tf library (just the basics)
- Using the rosbag tool to record the system’s output
You must first make sure you have all the prerequisites completed.
In you catkin workspace, create a folder which will contain all the code for the workshop
mkdir ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2016
Go to
and sign in. Create your first repository, naming of the repository should be:
if you are called firstname lastname. In my case, Miguel Oliveira, I created the repository rws2016_moliveira.
Now you can clone the repo (check in your github page the url of your repo)
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2016
git clone https://github.com/miguelriemoliveira/rws2016_moliveira.git
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2016/rws2016_moliveira
catkin_create_pkg player_moliveira std_msgs rospy roscpp
package name should be player_flastname, if you are called firstname lastname. std_msgs rospy roscpp are other ros packages from which our package depends. Other may be added later, but its better to always put these from the start.
Now that we have created a new ros package inside the repo, we should synchronize our local copy of the repo with the master version.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rws2016/rws2016_moliveira
git status
git add player_moliveira
git status
git commit -m "Added a ros package"
git push