Ex5: Proxy Sample - miguelneto1123/CES-22 GitHub Wiki

This exercise encourages us to think of how to build a proxy class. We learned in our lectures how to build a WebServer (the server class) and a WebRetriever (the client class), to learn about web connection using Sockets. Since a proxy is a server that "eavesdrop" the connection between the server and the client, building a WebProxy class was like building a class that had the methods from both classes, to be connected between them. As real life proxies exist to block some sites from client usage, this class also has an ArrayList<String> containing these forbidden servers. I'm still struggling to make it work, but the skeleton is complete. The problem is to connect the WebRetriever object and the WebProxy object in order to use the toClient methods. I'm leaving it this way until I know how to make it work...

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