marble‐plotter‐dous - miguelfc/marble GitHub Wiki

--Work in progress--




This plotter generates charts of extracted and processed tweets, along a time axis, and reports related to word frequency.




Options available

title: The title of the chart.

description: A description of the chart, giving a little insight on what you are plotting.

stepSize: The minimum step size in the time axis, in ms.

type: The type of chart you want. Options available:

  • PlotAll: Plot all extracted tweets.
  • PlotCreated: Plot only extracted original tweets (no retweets).
  • PlotRetweeted: Plot only extracted retweets.
  • PlotCreatedRetweeted: Plot both extracted original tweets and retweets.
  • PlotUniqueUsers: Plot unique users tweeting about the subject.
  • PlotAllProcessed: Plot all processed tweets by polarity.
  • PlotOriginalsProcessed: Plot all processed original tweets by polarity.
  • PlotRetweetedProcessed: Plot all processed retweets by polarity.
  • PlotAveragePolarity: Plot average polarity by time.
  • PlotTotalRatioPolarity: Plot sum of positive vs negative tweets by time.

###Example Recipe

  "name": "plotter-dous",
  "options": {
    "title": "My Report",
    "description": "Report Example",
    "type": "word_frequency",
    "collection": "processed_posts",
    "top_count": 40,
    "width": 24,
    "height": 10
    "name": "plotter-dous",
    "options": {
      "title": "Extracted",
      "description": "All Tweets Extracted",
      "type": "scatter",
      "point_size": 10,
      "y_axis_field": "originalId",
      "color": "red",
      "collection": "processed_posts"