Usage - miguelfc/marble GitHub Wiki

All modules for this project are published in docker hub for free (as in speech). As of today, the docker images available are:

(The python2 and python3 processor images are just the base structure for future python processors, they don't perform any processing at the moment)

A docker-compose.yml configuration file is available for you to use directly on a docker-capable server. You will only need access to internet to start using marble (you don't even need a database, as it will be provided by docker too!).

Before starting up, open the docker/core-config/application.yml file, and fill out the data for users and passwords that you want of for the system. For example:

    username: 'admin'
    password: 'adminpass'
    username: 'oper'
    password: 'operpass'
    username: 'guest'
    password: 'guestpass'

NOTE: Please don't use the users and passwords of the example, they are not at all safe!

Then, just go to the docker folder in a terminal, and execute the following command:

# docker-compose up -d

Docker will retrieve the latest version of all module images, and start the marble service. You will have two services available:

  • The marble portal at port 8080.
  • The eureka registry at port 1111.

If you want to keep an eye on the logs of one or all the modules running, you can execute the logs command of docker-compose:

# docker-compose logs -f
# docker-compose logs -f <module_name>