MVP Feature List - miguelalvinflores/sacTownMunch GitHub Wiki

1. New account creation, login, log out, and guest/demo log in

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site.
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (like rate restaurants, make reservations, host restaurants).
  • Logged in users are directed to their profile page which displays their rated restaurants.
  • Logged out users are directed to a page displaying several restaurants.

2. Hosting on Heroku

3. Restaurants

3.1 Create and Search Restaurants

  • Users can see a list of the restaurants.
  • Includes restaurant name, photo, restaurant description summary.
  • When clicked, takes us to a details page for that restaurant.
  • Bonus: Listed by proximity.

3.2 Restaurant Details Page

  • Includes restaurant name, photo, restaurant description summary, (Bonus: rating/ reviews).
  • Can edit the restaurant if you are the owner.

4. Reservations

  • Can make reservations and it will notify the restaurant owner.
  • Bonus: max reservation for a specific time

5. Favorites

  • Users can favorite their favorite restaurants
  • A list of favorites will be displayed on the user's profile page

6. Ratings/ Reviews

  • Users can leave a rating and it will be reflected on the avg rating.

Bonus: Google maps implementation

  • users can be redirected to google maps on the restaurant details page.
  • users can change their review at a later time.

Bonus: Bookings

  • Users can make bookings for the entire restaurant and the restaurant owner will be notified.