Ship management Admin Commands - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

The following are Admin only commands for ship management:

Command: /builtBy {Player|B#}
Sets the BuiltBy of the targeted ship to the specified player or bot.
Use the /status or /listbots commands for players or NPCs.

  • You cannot change the /BuiltBy if it is blank. It may be blank if you have an older save game before the BuiltBy tag was added to support player block limits.
  • You can only change the BuiltBy from one NPC/Player to another NPC/Player.
  • The BuiltBy may not show correctly on the Welder/Grinder display on dedicated servers after changing it. It is only a UI issue with the game. The Info panel will show the correct information. Disconnecting and reconnecting to the server will show the correct BuiltBy name in the Grinder/Welder display.

Command: /listprefabs {filter}
List ships in the Prefabs.
Optional {filter} to refine your search by name.

Command: /addprefab {#}
Add the specified {#} prefab. Spawns the specified prefab ship directly in front of player.

Command: /addwireframe {#}
Add the specified {#} prefab as an un-built ship. Spawns the specified a ship 2m directly in front of player.

Command: /adddrone {#} or /addpirate {#}
Add the specified {#} prefab as a pirate owned and controlled ship. Spawns the specified a ship 2m directly in front of player. If the prefab is configured with a programmable block and timer, these will run any logic.
example: /adddrone assailant_mk.1

Command: /cuberenumber <name>
Renumbers the custom names of terminal blocks. Use '*' for wildcards.

Command: /cuberename <name>
Renames and renumbers the custom names of terminal blocks back to their original. Use '*' for wildcards.

Command: /deleteship {#} or /delship {#}
Deletes the specified {#} ship, or the ship in the player crosshairs.
/deleteship Largeship 1234   will delete the ship by that name.
/deleteship   will delete the targeted ship.
/deleteship #23   will delete the 23rd ship in the Hotlist created by using /listships
/deleteship **   will delete all ships in the Hotlist created by using /listships. You would filter your hotlist until it showed only the items you wanted, ie., /listships container followed by /delship **

Command: /destructible On|Off {#} or /destruct On|Off {#}
Set the specified {#} ship as destructible or indestructible, or the ship targeted in the player crosshairs. Ship will be removed and regenerated to apply the setting.
Note: This command does appear to have issues if you have connected subgrids, like rotors, pistons and wheels.
/destruct On #1234
/destruct off
/destruct off largeship 4867

Command: /pasteprefab {#}
Pastes the specified {#} prefab from clipboard (Works only in Creative mode, ignores disabled Copy/Paste.)

Command: /listships {filter}
List in-game ships/stations.
Optional {filter} to refine your search by ship name or antenna/beacon name.
This command generates a Hotlist which can be used by other commands.
The entire list of ships that is returned is also accessible as a hotlist as "**".

Command: /elistships {filter}
List in-game ships/stations, position and distance.
Optional {filter} to refine your search by ship name or antenna/beacon name.
This command generates a Hotlist which can be used by other commands.
The entire list of ships that is returned is also accessible as a hotlist as "**".

Command: /stop {#}
Stops the specified {#} ship. Turns on dampeners, and initiates thrusters. Unpowered ships will also stop. Includes attached rotors and pistons!
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /off {#}
Turns off all reactor and battery power in the specified {#} ship.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /on {#}
Turns on all reactor and battery power in the specified {#} ship.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /claim {#}
Claims ownership of the {#} specified ship. All own-able blocks are transferred to you.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /repair {#}
Repairs the specified <#> Hotlist or targeted ship. Does not replace missing components.

Command: /revoke {#}
Removes ownership of all cubes in specified {#} ship.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /share{#}
Share ownership of the <#> specified ship to All, without removing the original owner.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /scaledown {#}
Converts a large ship into a small ship, also converts all cubes to small.
Cubes that do not have a match will be removed.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.
Note, this is still in progress and some cubes do not have a correct rotation. Subgrids are not supported as yet (wheels, rotors, pistons).

Command: /scaleup {#}
Converts a small ship into a large ship, also converts all cubes to large.
Cubes that do not have a match will be removed.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.
Note, this is still in progress and some cubes do not have a correct rotation.
Subgrids are not supported as yet (wheels, rotors, pistons).

Command: /switch [power] [prod] [prog] [proj] [sens] [spot] [timer] [weapon] on/off
Turns globally on/off the selected systems, including of any of following; Power, Production, Programmable Block, Projector, Sensor, Spot lights, Timer, Weapons.
/switch project off
/switch progr timer off
/switch weap off

Command: /tostation {#}
Converted the {#} ship into a static station.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /toship {#}
Converted the {#} station into a ship.
Works on a specific {#} Hotlist ship, or the targeted ship in the player crosshairs.

Command: /mirror <red> <green> <blue>
Will mirror the cubes of the targeted ship grid.
The targeted ship grid must have a symmetry plane defined using the N and M keys, that will appear as a red, green or blue planes.
The symmetry does not have to be turned on when /mirror is used.
If multiple symmetry planes have been defined, you can mirror a single axis by specifying the color of the plane. See the examples below.
Note, that while existing blocks are checked on the targeted grid, no checks are made for any other grid including subgrids that may overlap the grid. Clang will occur if there is another grid in the way.
Also, this command is not fully supported on Dedicated Server. If you run the command, you will have to leave and rejoin the server to see the results. This bug has been logged with Keen.
/mirror red
/mirror g
/mirror r b

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