Session management Admin Commands - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

The following are Admin only commands for session management:

Command: /CopyPaste {on|off} <private>
Turns Copy Paste mode on or off for all players. Add the word "private" for you only.
This works on Single player, as well as Multiplayer.
Requires Game Mode to be changed to Creative first for it to work.
On a Listen Server Hosted game, if the "Private" setting is used in Multiplayer anyone connecting after making a change will also inherit them.
/copypaste off
/copypaste on
/copypaste off private
/copypaste on private

Command: /Creative {on|off} <private>
Turns creative mode on or off for all players. Add the word "private" for you only.
This works on Single player, as well as Multiplayer.
Note that the game mode listed in the game Lobby screen where players see your server to join it, this will not change.
NOTE: This can now be achieved in game use the Space Master functionality accessed only by Admins using ALT-F10. It is far more stable than using this command. This command is been maintained because it still provides a quick way of changing the mode for the entire game without having to exit to the main menu.
Turning Creative private on in a multiplayer game is not officially supported by the game. It can have unintended side effects. We have no control over these effects. To fix these side effects you must leave and rejoin the multiplayer game.
On a Listen Server Hosted game, if the "Private" setting is used in Multiplayer anyone connecting after making a change will also inherit them.
On a dedicated server with the "Private" setting on, you can:

  • drop single blocks at any range, however they will only have 1% construction even though they appear 100% to you.
  • remove any block instantly as per normal.
  • drop a line or grid of blocks, these will be 100% constructed unlike single blocks.
  • allows you to have copypaste.

/creative off
/creative on
/creative off private
/creative on private

Command: /Spectator {on|off} <private>
Turns Spectator mode on or off for all players. Add the word "private" for you only.
This works on Single player, as well as Multiplayer.
On a Listen Server Hosted game, if the "Private" setting is used in Multiplayer anyone connecting after making a change will also inherit them.
/spectator off
/spectator on private

Command: /Weapons {on|off} <private>
Turns Weapons on or off for all players. Add the word "private" for you only.
This works on Single player, as well as Multiplayer.
On a Listen Server Hosted game, if the "Private" setting is used in Multiplayer anyone connecting after making a change will also inherit them.
Weapons settings work strangely if only turned on for 1 player, and it is not advised to use this at all.
/weapons off
/weapons on private

Command: /wolves {on|off} or /wolves {on|off} or /wolfs {on|off} or /wolf {on|off}
Turns Wolves on or off for all players.
This works on Single player, as well as Multiplayer.
/wolves off

Command: /spiders {on|off} or /spider {on|off}
Turns Spiders on or off for all players.
This works on Single player, as well as Multiplayer.
/spiders off

Final Notes:
It will say "Server Creative On" if you set a session command globally or "Creative On" when set privately.

When you switch a session command on or off for the server, other Admins will see a notification of the change. Regular players will not.

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